Relief Of Migraines With Yoga: Does It Work?

Thanks to the practice of certain yoga postures, it is possible to release tension and stress that cause migraines and recurring headaches.
Relief from migraines with yoga: does it work?

Migraines are headaches that often include nausea and light sensitivity. Generally, people who suffer from migraines regularly experience them on one side of their head. It’s not a simple headache; it is long lasting and very difficult to alleviate. However, medications are not the only option:  the practice of yoga can help relieve migraines.

What are migraines?

Migraines are more common in women than in men. The first episode can appear between 10 and 45 years of age. They can last from two hours to three days and are caused by abnormal brain activity. This, in turn, can be the result of many factors, such as:

  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Smells, strong sounds and bright lights
  • Smoke
  • Bad eating habits
  • drink alcohol
  • hormonal changes
  • Foods like chocolate, dairy products, peanuts
  • Physical, mental and emotional stress
Smoking can cause white hair to appear

This last cause can be tackled with the practice of yoga,  as it is an activity that brings many benefits, as well as helping to relax.

Lise Bourbeau, in her book  “Obey Your Body”,  talks about the emotional cause of migraine. He states that  “in general, it manifests itself in those who do not grant the right to be what they want. They appear in the person who feels guilty for daring to question those who have a lot of influence over him”. 

In addition, the author recommends thinking about the person you wanted to be if all the circumstances around you were ideal. However, whatever the cause of the migraine, what we most want is for the pain to go away. Sometimes even the drugs don’t work  and we just want to lie in bed, which doesn’t solve the problem.

The good news is that there is a way to avoid going to this extreme. A migraine is usually  preceded by many symptoms: nausea, drowsiness, muscle stiffness or mood swings. If you are a person who frequently suffers from migraines, you will be able to recognize these signs. That’s when it’s time to act!

Relief from migraine even before starting yoga practice

It is possible to stop the migraine before it starts. Like? This is when the practice of yoga comes into play  In short, doing a session with certain postures will confirm that yoga relieves migraines. Here are the names of some of the positions you can start practicing to say goodbye to these incessant headaches:

  • The boy ( Balasana ) with his hands stretched forward
  • Belly Dog ( Adho Mukha Svanasana )
  • Stretched leg posture ( Prasarita Padottanasana)
  • Foot flexion forward ( Uttanasana )
  • Head over the knee ( Janusirsasana )
  • The forceps (Paschimottanasana)
  • Marichi Posture (Marichyasana III)
  • Ascending dog (Urdhva mukha svanasana)
  • The bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
  • The Corpse (Savasana)

Why does yoga practice provide relief from migraines?

group doing yoga

The scientific explanation why  yoga practice  relieves migraines is based on  deep breathing and relaxation that is practiced during a session. In short, this regulates blood pressure, which relieves pain. Therefore, the constant practice of yoga can improve cardiorespiratory performance. In addition, it can help with other techniques to fight migraine when it has already appeared, such as 4-7-8 to sleep.

In addition,  40 minutes of exercise, at least three times a week, has been shown to prevent migraines. And let’s not forget that doing yoga qualifies as an exercise. It is important to connect with yourself during every yoga session, whatever the purpose of your practice. In this way, it’s good to concentrate on doing the postures correctly and at the same time learning to master your mind.

It is also important to have the conscious intention to relax, let go, and let go of the negative emotions, memories, and thoughts that  produce muscle tension. Remember that  bodily pain is a message from the body and it is important to listen.

Is it better to do yoga for migraine relief than to consume medication?

Flexible woman practicing yoga for migraine relief.

There are studies in which it is shown that up to 50% of patients with chronic migraine in the United States have this problem because of the abuse of headache medications. In addition, there is the dependence that certain chemicals can cause in the body. So this is a point in favor of yoga. This discipline is a physical and mental activity that has no side effects.

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