How Do You Know If Your Liver Is Inflamed?

Did you know that if you wake up, for no apparent reason, between one and three in the morning, your liver may not be working properly?
How do you know if your liver is inflamed?

We often hear about the liver, an organ that is very affected by poor diet, bad habits, stress, contamination, etc. But how do you know if your liver is inflamed?

Inflammation in this organ can manifest itself in many ways in our body: such as vision problems, crow’s feet, poor circulation, digestive problems, spring asthenia, among many more.

In this article we will explain what are the most common signs that our liver is inflamed.

Thus, it will be easier to treat it naturally, prevent diseases and improve the quality of life. Check out.

Symptoms that indicate your liver is inflamed

Traditional Chinese medicine explains that this organ is directly related to vision problems.

Both eyes and liver are located on the same meridian.

There are also genetic factors and many other issues that influence eye health.

However, some problems such as, for example, myopia, astigmatism, presbyopia, can be good indications to review the liver situation.

Vision problem related to the liver

Insomnia from 1:00 to 3:00

Each organ has a time of maximum activity, where it regenerates, as a way for the body to naturally fight disease.

In the case of a liver that is inflamed, this time is from 1:00 to 3:00 and so, if we usually wake up at this time at night, for no apparent reason and frequently, we may suspect a liver malfunction.

If we eat dinner too late and consume large portions, our nightly rest may be affected.

Chicken feet

The wrinkles that appear on the sides and under the eyes can also be related to the weakness of our liver. In addition to being able to coincide with vision problems.

Therefore, crow’s feet, especially if they are premature, help us to take better care of our bodies.

Likewise, if we want to fight these lines, we must also take care of ourselves internally.

circulation problems

Is it surprising to know that circulation and liver are closely related? This is an organ that cleans our blood and, therefore, its function will be essential for it to circulate correctly.

Thus, if we suffer from problems such as varicose veins or hemorrhoids from a young age, we must not only treat them locally, but also regulate the functioning of the liver.


The liver is part of the digestive tract and is especially important in the digestion of fats, thanks to the bile it produces and stores in the gallbladder.

Therefore, if we have difficulties in digesting fatty foods, we must be careful not to overload this organ.

It will be healthier to eat smaller portions more often so the liver can work better.

In addition, constipation can also be related to liver problems.

Healthy Foods for the Liver That Is Inflamed

menstrual disorders

As we’ve said, the liver is closely related to the blood. Therefore, it is not surprising that it also has to do with changes in menstrual periods, pain, premenstrual symptoms, etc.

Abdominal pain

As a result of bad digestion, we can suffer from bloating and abdominal pressure.

The characteristic symptom is a pain like a pressure sensation above the ribs, on the right side, just above where the liver is.

When the liver is inflamed, this organ pushes outward, causing this nagging pain.


Migraine can have many reasons, but it is sometimes related to digestive problems and a liver that is inflamed.

In this case, migraines usually present with menstruation, excessive food or drink, or contact with a toxic substance.

A migraine would be the result of the enormous effort that the liver needs to make to detoxify our body.

asthenia in spring

When spring begins, it is very common to feel more tired than usual and have difficulty making daily efforts.

It happens especially at the change of season, and we may need to boost our liver function with some natural remedies or green juices.

Images provided by neuroticcamel, elle_ann

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