Ginseng: Find Out What It Is, How It’s Taken And What It’s For

Ginseng can be a natural alternative to give us energy instead of resorting to caffeine-rich drinks, while getting minerals and vitamins.
Ginseng: discover what it is, how it is taken and what it is for

Ginseng is a medicinal plant that stands out for its restorative properties. It is one of the best natural remedies we can take when we need a boost, both physically and mentally. Furthermore, it  is much healthier than stimulant drinks,  which affect our nervous system.

Find out in this article what it is, how it is taken and what ginseng is used for. You will be amazed by the wide variety of disorders that we can improve with the root of this plant, such as fatigue, stress, anxiety or depression… and without the risk of suffering side effects!

the ginseng

ginseng infusion

Ginseng is a very popular plant, especially in ancestral Chinese medicine. In addition, it is  one of the most widely used medicines around the world, especially in the United States. It is rich in group B vitamins and minerals such as iron and zinc, among many other active ingredients.

There are many varieties of the ginseng plant. However, they all have similar healing virtues, although the best known is Chinese, Asian or red ginseng ( Panax ginseng ).

Its thick root adds medicinal properties over time. Furthermore, it stands out for its characteristic shape, similar to the mandrake.

There is also another very popular variety, the Siberian ginseng ( Eleutherococcus senticosus ), very common in the Russian region. This type of plant stands out for its ability to reduce the harmful effects that radiation causes us.

In any case, both varieties share the benefits we will present in this article. Check out.

 What is it for?

adaptogen tonic

The most outstanding virtue of ginseng root is as a tonic. This means that, by taking this medicine, we can  stimulate our body in different ways, but without causing overexcitation.

Overexcitation is an alteration of the nervous system caused by cola, alcoholic, caffeinated drinks, etc. In this way, the consequence is an improvement in our performance without the risk of suffering ups and downs.

This virtue reverberates very positively in our body in different ways:

  • It is one of the best options  to overcome different situations of physical or intellectual super efforts. For example, in the case of students or athletes.
  • Thanks to being an adaptogenic remedy, ginseng is very balancing. It helps us, therefore, to  regulate energy and prevent anxiety states or mild depression.
  • It helps us fight stress.
  • Provides rapid improvement in cases of tiredness, exhaustion, weakness, convalescence, anemia or decay.
Ginseng helps fight fatigue

Other properties

Ginseng root also offers us other benefits for some health disorders:
  • It has antioxidant properties that delay aging.
  • Relieves headache.
  • Relieves some symptoms of menopause, especially Siberian ginseng.
  • Balances blood pressure,  both in cases of hypertension and hypotension.
  • Activates brain irritation. In this way, it can improve memory problems as well as concentration and learning.
  • Strengthens the immune system and increases defenses to fight pathogens.
  • It improves our cardiovascular health. It promotes good circulation and reduces high cholesterol levels.
  • It regulates blood sugar levels, which helps us to prevent insulin resistance.
  • Improves inattention in children with ADHD.
  • Asian ginseng can control erectile dysfunction and improve fertility in men.

How is it taken?

Ginseng root powder and pills
  • You can get ginseng in capsules or tablets from health food stores and some pharmacies. We can also buy the natural root to prepare our own infusions.
  • It is very important to take ginseng remedies in the morning. If we do this at night, we may lose sleep, which will make it difficult for us to rest.
  • Ginseng should not be taken for long periods without taking breaks. The most suitable is to carry out cures of one or two weeks at specific times. It can be while preparing for a physical effort or in a time of stress. If we need to continue with the treatment, we will rest for two weeks and then we will repeat it again.
  • We should not take it in very high doses as it could make us nervous.
  • As with almost all natural remedies, it should not be consumed if we suffer from any illness or take medication without consulting our doctor.

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