Aloe Vera Medicine To Naturally Increase Platelets

Increasing your platelets and keeping them at a stable level is essential to enjoying good health and ensuring proper clotting in case of bleeding and sores.
Aloe Vera Remedy to Increase Platelets Naturally

Raising the platelet level when it’s low isn’t easy. However, some foods can help, such as aloe vera or aloe vera. This plant has multiple medicinal properties, so it should not be lacking in our home.

Find out in this article why increasing platelets is important, and how we can achieve this with aloe vera juice. In addition, we present other foods that can complement this treatment to improve our health.

A healthy platelet level

Platelets are essential for good blood clotting. When its level is too low, thrombocytopenia occurs and we are prone to bleeding. That’s why it’s important to detect this problem early to avoid complications.

Aloe vera, orange and honey medicine to increase platelets naturally

Aloe Vera Remedy to Increase Platelets Naturally

This remedy combines the medicinal effects of three excellent ingredients:

  • Aloe vera: is a medicinal plant that serves almost everything. The juice that is extracted from the leaves of this plant is very beneficial to increase the level of platelets, and at the same time purify the blood.
  • Orange: Orange juice is rich in vitamin C. This nutrient facilitates the production of platelets. However, it must be natural juice, without sugar or other additives.
  • Honey: bee honey is a natural antibiotic that we should take every day. In this case, it increases the levels of platelets and red blood cells. We should always choose pure, organic honey.


  • ½ glass of aloe vera juice (100 ml)
  • 1 glass of natural orange juice (200 ml)
  • 1 spoon of pure honey (20 g)


  • You can make your own aloe vera juice at home if you have the plant. In this case, peel the sheet and remove the bitter yellow substance that is between the outside and the gel. If you don’t have the plant, you can buy the juice made, but it must be pure, without additives.
  • Mix aloe vera juice with orange juice.
  • Sweeten with honey from bees

How to take

Aloe Vera Gel to Increase Platelets Naturally
  • To take the natural treatment to increase platelets, take this remedy in the morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast.
  • Continue this treatment for at least 3 weeks.
  • The ideal is to repeat the treatment several times a year to maintain good platelet levels.
  • Complement this treatment with medical check-ups .

To enhance the effects of this remedy, we recommend reducing or avoiding processed meats and sausages, dairy products and alcohol consumption . It is preferable to always consume organic food. We must also be careful when taking aspirin as it interferes with clotting.

Other Remedies to Increase Platelets

In addition to the medicine we’ve detailed to increase platelets, we can also include these foods in our diet for faster results:

  • Papaya leaf: it is an excellent remedy to balance the platelet level. We can liquefy a piece of the leaf and sweeten it with honey, as it has a very bitter taste.
  • Green vegetables : Green vegetables are very rich in vitamin K, which improves blood clotting. For example, we can consume arugula, endive, broccoli, chard, spinach, etc…
  • Coconut water: The liquid found inside fresh coconut is an excellent remineralizing drink for health. And it keeps us hydrated.
  • Garlic: Raw garlic is another medicinal food ideal for platelets and to purify the blood in general. We can include it in gazpachos and vegetable juices, to facilitate its consumption and digestion.

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