Beauty Tricks To Improve The Look Of Your Face In 5 Minutes

Did you know that you can improve the look of your face in a completely natural way with simple exercises? Discover some beauty tricks with us!

Did you know that you can improve the look of your face completely naturally with simple exercises? Five minutes a day before leaving the house is enough to put these beauty tricks into practice and improve the look of your face.

Discover in this article the essential tips to achieve relaxed features, full lips, bright eyes and rosy cheeks in the simplest way.

beauty tricks: relaxed features

beauty tricks

When we are tired or stressed, we can experience contractures and muscle pain in different parts of the body. Did you know that tensions also build up in the facial muscles? This rigidity makes the facial features appear more angular and harsh, which takes away our youth, vitality and beauty.

But we can relax facial tension in the same way we would the back, that is, through exercise and massage.

The first step is to make all sorts of faces for a minute. It is important to move the face with all parts of the face: mouth, jaw, cheeks, tongue, lips, nose, eyes, forehead, etc. We have to do it in an exaggerated way to get all possible gestures.

With this exercise we activate the microcirculation of each part of the face and, in a few seconds, we will achieve a much more relaxed look and features.

Beauty tricks: full lips to enhance beauty

Full lips to enhance beauty

The red and voluminous lips give the face an immediate sensuality and, although to achieve great changes it is necessary to consult a surgeon or use cosmetics, here we recommend a simple trick to achieve a showy effect in a few moments.

Many women tend to involuntary purse their lips when they are stressed, angry, or tired. This gesture can be repeated even while we sleep and, in the long run, it causes the lips to become thinner and more rigid.

To combat these habits, we will perform three very quick and simple exercises :

  1. Gently run your tongue along the edge of our upper and lower lips.
  2. Put your lips to the inside of your mouth and squeeze tightly for 10 seconds. Continuing, do the opposite movement: put your lips outwards as much as possible.
  3. Lastly, apply a little vegetable oil on your index fingers and thumb and rub your lips horizontally.

Beauty tricks: bright eyes

Bright eyes to enhance beauty

Big, bright eyes make the face look much younger and more vital. As the days go by, the eyes suffer the consequences of tiredness, computer and contamination, while when we get up in the morning, they can be swollen.

To get eyes that transmit vitality and health we have to make them work while relaxing the eye muscles.

  1. First, close your eyes and squeeze your eyelids tightly together for about five seconds, then relax and open them as much as possible. Repeat exercise 5 times.
  2. Then make small circles by pressing with your index fingers around your eyes, following the path of your eyebrows and cheekbone.
  3. Finally, rub your hands together until they are warm and place your palm over your eyes, without squeezing, for a few seconds.

Beauty tricks: rosy cheeks to enhance beauty

Beautiful cheeks should be firm, smooth and slightly pink.

Over time, the skin becomes more and more flaccid and its appearance tends to become more and more rough and dull.

With these three exercises we will be able to revitalize the cheeks and give them some color for a while. We may repeat at any time to get the same results again.

  1. We are going to puff up our cheeks several times, filling our mouths with as much air as we can, and we are going to alternately puff each cheek.
  2. With the tongue we will push the cheeks from the inside and pushing outwards.
  3. We’ll pinch the cheeks repeatedly, especially the areas near the cheekbone, to activate circulation and give them an instant splash of color.

These exercises will not only help us to make our cheeks look nice, but they will also relax the tension we used to have throughout the jaw area.

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