Benefits Of Reducing Massage

It is important to be consistent with these massages as their results are not immediate. However, they help improve blood flow, reduce stress and relax.
Benefits of reducing massage

To keep your body healthy and looking good, it’s important to eat a balanced diet and get some exercise constantly. Also, if you have problems with sagging skin,  homemade slimming massages  can help; they are very easy to make and very economical.

These slimming products can be applied to the arms, waist, abdomen and legs. Its purpose is to reduce fat, cellulite and improve blood flow and thus prevent varicose veins.

In addition to the benefits it brings to the body image, reducing massages help to reduce tension and stress;  in addition to alleviating muscle pain, improving circulation and increasing flexibility.

Now talking about massages, you need to know that they consist of a set of movements made in a specific region. If what you want is to create mixtures that are beneficial for the body, you will need alcohol, an exfoliating glove and a reducing cream.

Before performing any type of massage, clean the area with cotton to eliminate dirt. Do it gently so it doesn’t irritate the region!

reducing massages

With the exfoliating glove, massage in a circular motion. Then apply the reducing cream and massage in several directions.

Not from top to bottom, as it can make the skin feel more saggy. In this way, do it gently with pressure, but being careful not to hurt yourself; as bruises can come out.

Finally, clean with cotton.

Do you want to elaborate your reducing cream?

Cold cream

To make this cream, cook half a liter of water, a spoonful of seaweed, rosemary, aloe vera, mint, gotu kola, ivy leaves and elastin in a bain-marie .

Some of these products may sound strange, but if you go to a health food store you will find them.

Beat all ingredients as soon as they boil, allow to cool and pour the mixture into a glass bowl. Store it in a place that doesn’t get too much sun, or better, put it in the fridge to keep it cool and cool.

coffee for the legs

reducing cream with coffee

This cream serves to  remove dead cells in the legs. Furthermore, it is prepared with a coffee base and is ideal for use after hair removal.


  • 4 spoons of sugar
  • 4 spoons of ground coffee
  • 1 spoon of olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt
  • 2 spoons of honey


In a container pour the sugar with ground coffee, olive oil and sea salt.

Then add honey. With your hands, apply to the skin making gentle circular massages. This, in  addition to removing dead cells, will bring a feeling of relaxation.

reducing massages

Movements to perform massages

Rub, squeeze, press

The best way to get a massage is with your hands. Already with the reducing cream in the affected region start to “knead” gently. Move clockwise for 20 minutes. Give the area you are treating a few gentle slaps.

The results cannot be seen overnight, so it is important to be dedicated. Remember that not only are they good for the skin, they also relax and help manage stress and maintain good blood flow.

Drink plenty of water to hydrate your body and eliminate toxins, do different sports like running, cycling or swimming; sleep the recommended adult hours (8 hours).

And the most important thing when taking care of the body and maintaining the ideal weight is to have a balanced diet, full of fruits and vegetables that will provide the body with all the nutrients and vitamins necessary to maintain itself in an excellent condition.

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