Best Infusions For The 13 Most Common Types Of Malaise

Mint is one of the best infusions to treat many ailments, as it can help alleviate everything from congestion and high fever to gas build-up.
The best infusions for the 13 most common types of malaise

Find out which are  the best medicinal infusions to treat mild disorders that cause us discomfort in everyday life, such  as headache, digestive problems, flu symptoms, menstrual pain, insomnia, lack of energy or the anxiety.

Simple, natural and very effective remedies to enhance the natural healing properties of our body, without the need to take medication.

Infusions to relieve different types of malaise

1. Headache

Headache is a very uncomfortable disorder that we shouldn’t put up with, as it can be harmful to our health.

If we want to dispense with analgesics, we can first resort to  a medicinal infusion with one or several of these plants:

  • Turmeric: Turmeric has very potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
  • Violet: This plant contains salicylic acid, the analgesic component of medications such as aspirin.
  • Dandelion: Cleanses the blood of toxins that cause headaches.
  • Mint: relieves congestion and heat in the head.

2. Bad digestion

The best digestive infusions are prepared with the following medicinal plants:

  • Mint: Mint is one of the best plants to promote digestion and fight gas.
  • Ginger: enhances gastric juices and prevents acidity.
  • Melissa: Soothes the nerves that affect the stomach.
  • Cumin: whether the seed or the powder, it is ideal for eliminating gases.
of malaise

3. Nausea

To avoid nausea, whether it is caused by travelling, tension problems or during pregnancy, we can take ginger.

It is one of the best infusions to alleviate this discomfort and, in addition, it has digestive and stimulant properties.

We can prepare a hot or cold infusion, sweeten it with honey and drink it in small sips.

4. Cold and flu symptoms

Faced with the first symptoms of a cold and flu, such as fever, cough or runny nose, prepare a good amount of infusion with the following medicinal plants:

  • Thyme and eucalyptus: antiseptics.
  • Mint: reduces fever.
  • Ginger: promotes sweating and also reduces fever.
  • Plantain: smoothes the mouth passages.
  • Cayenne: a pinch of this pepper helps us to open the bronchi.

Sweeten with honey, which is a natural antibiotic.

5. Constipation

If we suffer from constipation punctually, we can take an infusion of senna, which has a high laxative power.

However, in the case  of chronic constipation, we should avoid these laxatives as, even though they are natural, they have irritating effects. To resolve constipation definitively, we must find out what its cause is.

To improve bowel function, we can take dandelion and flaxseed infusions, sweetened with acacia honey.

6. Diarrhea

To treat punctual diarrhea, we can use plants with astringent properties, such as  green tea or tormentil, and sweeten it with honey. 

It is essential to drink plenty of fluids in these cases to avoid dehydration.

7. Sore throat

For sore throat, we need an infusion that combines the healing effects of several ingredients:

  • Ginger: warms the throat.
  • Plantain: smoothes the mouth passages.
  • Turmeric: anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
  • Lemon: antiseptic.
  • Honey: antibiotic.

8. Power failure

Hiperic and mint sweetened with honey  are an excellent combination to combat lack of energy.

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9. Anxiety, nervousness or stress

To calm the nerves, we can prepare an infusion based on melissa, lavender, basil and orange peel, and sweeten with lavender honey.

10. Insomnia

To improve sleep,  relaxing plants such as passionflower, valerian or linden will help us. 

11. Menstrual pains

For menstrual pain, in addition to resorting to a specialist doctor if it recurs, we can take an infusion based on sage, fennel, mugwort and chamomile.

12. Reduced libido

To increase libido in a natural way, we can take a stimulating and aphrodisiac infusion based on ginger, pepper, cinnamon, star anise and cardamom sweetened with honey. It’s delicious!

13. Feeling of heaviness in the legs

To relieve the feeling of heaviness in your legs, prepare a circulatory infusion with rosemary and dandelion. In the case of swollen legs, also add horsetail.

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How to take the infusions?

If we want to treat a malaise, we should take two or three infusions a day so that the treatment is quick and effective. We can have one cup on an empty stomach, another in mid-morning, and the last in mid-afternoon.

The exception will be in cases where we must take it for something specific, for example: after eating to improve heavy digestion or before going to bed to combat insomnia.

These infusions are designed for specific treatments of mild disorders. For chronic cases or that last for more than a week, we must seek a doctor.

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