Cabbage Home Remedy To Reduce Acidity

Do you suffer from a lot of stomach acidity? Get to know some tips to prevent it.
Home remedy with cabbage to reduce acidity
Heartburn, burning, pain in the “mouth of the stomach”… How do you recognize gastric acidity? This unpleasant problem affects almost everyone, at one time or another in their lives.
For example, after eating too much, or eating very fatty and “heavy” foods, we may experience acidity. The same happens if we go a long time without eating.

The stomach naturally has high acidity, so stomach acidity is not a disease. Only when there is a chronic overproduction of hydrochloric acid by the organ do we need to worry.
Constant excess acid can trigger ulcers and gastritis, which cause a lot of pain and can develop into very serious problems if left untreated.
Find out below about a natural remedy, in addition to some tips, to reduce stomach acidity.

What causes heartburn?

French fries increase the chance of having heartburn

Hydrochloric acid is part of gastric juice, a secretion produced in the stomach to digest food and prepare it for the intestines.
This acid helps to break down food, and it is also in the stomach that the body begins to absorb some nutrients, as well as eliminating what is not useful.
Very strong foods, such as peppery ones, or heavy ones, such as fatty ones, increase the production of hydrochloric acid, which can cause heartburn; especially in people with a predisposition to the problem.
Stress and emotional problems can also cause acidity. That’s because the nervous system sends an alert to the body, which produces more acid, triggering the typical burning sensation we feel in our belly when we’re very worried, upset, or scared.
In addition to pain, acidity can cause other problems, such as sore throat, bad breath, vomiting, diarrhea and poor appetite.

Burning caused by bacteria

Some people can get infected with the bacteria Helicobacter pylori , known as H. pylori , which lodges in the stomach, stimulating the production of acid and causing inflammation in the organ wall, causing gastritis.
It is possible to ingest the bacteria in contaminated water and food, such as raw fish.
However, it is possible to combat the micro-organism with antibiotics, but the best thing is to prevent it, always consuming pure water and foods of good origin.

Dietary changes to decrease acidity

Any treatment to reduce stomach acid and prevent ulcers and gastritis includes changes in diet and lifestyle. First, if you are predisposed to acidity, do not skip meals and try to eat every three hours.

Fasting for many hours facilitates irritation of the stomach walls, due to accumulated hydrochloric acid; that was not used in digestion.

Chew food well

Try to chew slowly and don’t eat too much at once. Remember that digestion begins in the mouth, where saliva, which has enzymes to break down food, prepares food for processing in the stomach.

Mechanical grinding of teeth is essential. Chewing better sends a satiety signal to the brain, so you feel less hungry and eat less.

If you eat too fast, food will arrive in large chunks in the stomach, requiring more acid to digest.

Avoid fried foods and other foods

Also avoid fried foods (pastries, coxinhas, dumplings, acarajés) and other fatty dishes, such as red meat, rump steak and ribs.

On the other hand, prefer lean meats such as fish and chicken, grilled with little or no fat.

Also, prepare vegetables steamed or sauteed in butter.

Drink coffee

Don’t overdo coffee, chocolate or other drinks that make your stomach work. Prefer green tea or other digestives. The habit of chewing gum and eating candy, candy, and lollipops also increases acidity; for the stomach produces acid to degrade solid food that never arrives.

have a healthy life

Finally, it is worth remembering that it is necessary to reduce stress and live better with emotions, improving the quality of life. A stressed life, without a doubt, can cause digestive problems, such as the famous gastritis.

In addition, practice activities that give pleasure and escape sedentary lifestyle. Smoking and alcohol also contribute to acidity and should be abandoned.

How can cabbage help reduce acidity?

Some foods are alkalizing, such as avocados, lettuce, broccoli and corn. That is, they help to lower the pH of the stomach. Cabbage also helps protect the stomach lining.
Therefore, below we will teach you a recipe that can be made at home with few ingredients, serving to reduce acidity in a natural way. Check out:
cabbage to decrease acidity


  • 300 to 400 g of white cabbage
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Juice of a medium lemon
  • a dash of black pepper
  • a pinch of cumin
  • A bit of salt

Method of preparation

1. First, cut the cabbage into very thin strips and place in a glass container.
2. Then add olive oil, lemon, salt, pepper and cumin.
3. Finally, cover the container and let it sit for at least two hours at room temperature.

How to ingest?

Divide the cabbage mixture into two parts and eat one for lunch and one for dinner.

It is possible to include raw cabbage in salads to achieve the same effect. In addition, one can consume one part in one day and another part the next day.

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