Cellulite Habits

A good diet and a proper exercise program will help fight the terrible cellulite. There are also some very effective home remedies, we’ll explain more below. 
Cellulite are fatty deposits that arise under the skin. It tends to appear in the abdomen and lower hip area.

There are several reasons why cellulite appears, ranging from poor diet or constant weight changes to genetic predisposition.

By now you should know that it is very difficult to fight this uncomfortable problem, but don’t give up. The best thing is to adopt these cellulite habits and prove that maybe it’s not that complicated.

Follow an anti-cellulite exercise routine

When you haven’t exercised in a long time, it’s hard to get into a daily routine. But know that this is one of the habits against cellulite that will benefit you the most.

Even though water with lemon reduces the marks, it is necessary to “recompose” the skin.

Through the exercises, the muscles are strengthened, leaving the body in a healthier shape. Make sure your exercise routine focuses on areas affected by cellulite:

  • Stomach
  • below the waist
  • Arms
  • Legs

Our recommendation is that you start with an exercise routine with small weights and a walk of at least 30 minutes.

Most of the time we hear that a routine of three times a week is enough. However, we  advise you to increase the amount of exercise as much as possible,  so you will reduce cellulite faster.

Drink lemon water as soon as you wake up

lemon water against cellulite

Of all the cellulite habits, this one is the easiest to do. Simply extract the juice of a lemon into a glass of warm water and drink the mixture right away. The best would be to use organic lemons, free of pesticides.

This habit will not only help to eliminate cellulite, it also has an effect in which the fat that is consumed throughout the day is eliminated by the body.

If you are one of those people who wake up dehydrated, lemon water will also put an end to this problem.

Two weeks after adopting this habit, your skin will feel more hydrated  and the cellulite marks will begin to diminish.

brush dry skin

Brushing dry skin is a habit you should include in your daily routine. The only thing you will need is a natural bristle brush and literally brush every area of ​​your body.

In this sense, start with the upper areas and descend little by little.

Pay special attention to areas where you already have cellulite or where your mother or sisters have it. Because it is genetic, your family members will give you a good idea of ​​where the problem will appear.

Maybe you’re imagining that this is one of the weirdest cellulite habits. However, with  this procedure it is possible to move the stored fat and prevent excess accumulation.

If you have circulation problems, you will also see that this one will get better. The only thing you should avoid is brushing too hard. It’s about removing the fat, not hurting the skin or leaving scratches.

Apply an anti-cellulite cream

cellulite on the leg

It is possible to complement the body brushing with a good anti-cellulite cream. These creams are in charge of penetrating the skin and treating the problem from the inside out.

Once the brush is massaged, the cream function becomes more effective.

We recommend choosing an antioxidant-rich cream. If you can’t buy a good quality cream, try it out with this all-natural recipe.


  • 100ml of baby cream
  • 20 drops of orange essential oil
  • 4 drops of cinnamon essential oil

Method of preparation

  • First, place the baby cream in a crystal container.
  • Then add the orange and cinnamon essential oil.
  • Mix all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous combination.
  • Finally, store the mixture in a plastic container and let it stand for a few hours.

This recipe is exceptional because the baby cream is free of any kind of harmful chemicals. And on the other hand, essential oils are effective against cellulite.

If you want to change the aroma of the cream, try another essential oil such as lemon or grape.

Apply this cream daily giving a circular massage  in each area where you have cellulite or where fat is starting to accumulate.

Consume foods that fight cellulite

What you eat has a big influence on your body and well-being. When you have a balanced diet, your body will be less likely to accumulate fat in the least desirable places.

Among the foods that help fight cellulite more naturally are:

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds against cellulite

Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, zinc, selenium and vitamin B6. All of this  allows proteins to be better used by the body. 

When this happens, fat is less likely to lodge in the body and cellulite does not appear.

In this sense, a good way to add sunflower seeds to your diet is to add a small handful to the cereal or even eat it as an appetizer after exercise.


Even though it is not exactly a food, we must never forget it if we want to eliminate cellulite. Water removes toxins from the body and when we don’t ingest it, we accumulate fat.

Also, always remember to consume two liters of natural water to keep yourself hydrated and your kidneys healthy.


Bananas have a good balance between potassium and sodium,  which improves circulation and facilitates the elimination of cellulite. So, add a banana as an appetizer combined with light yogurt or with your whole grain cereal.

Finally, follow these cellulite habits and you will have the body you want. 

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