Cinnamon And Lemon: A Sensational Remedy You Need To Discover

If the cinnamon and lemon mixture is too strong for your taste, you can add a little more honey to soften the flavor.
Cinnamon and Lemon: A Sensational Remedy You Need to Discover

Combining cinnamon and lemon is one of the most common strategies within natural medicine.

In fact, these two ingredients are part of everyday resources that we can benefit from in a simple and useful way.

So, if you are used to or interested in consuming vitamin complexes to boost your immunity, try applying the tips that we will give you now to your daily life.

Lemon, a curative fruit, and cinnamon, an ancient spice, form a unique legacy full of nutrients designed to promote your well-being without causing any side effects.

Since they are within our reach, they are economical and they add flavor and color to our everyday life and food, so why not use them together?

Today, in our space, we invite you to discover the benefits of cinnamon and lemon. This remedy will become essential in your life! So stay with us and check out the recipe!

1. Cinnamon and lemon to reduce joint pain


If you suffer from arthritis, taking this cinnamon and lemon remedy every day will help reduce swelling and inflammation.

That’s because lemon is rich in vitamin C, an essential compound for our body to generate collagen, which, in short, is an essential protein for healthy bones and joints.

Furthermore, lemon juice is very rich in antioxidants that will allow you to reduce inflammation very effectively. However, for this remedy to have an effect, it is necessary to be constant in its use.

So by combining cinnamon with lemon you will benefit from its diuretic and detoxifying properties.

In addition, both are anti-inflammatory and are widely used to treat these very common conditions, so if you suffer from arthritis and want to experience greater well-being, try this treatment:


  • 1 branch of cinnamon
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice (50 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Heat the water and then, when it boils, add the cinnamon and honey. Allow to infuse over 15 minutes and then let it sit for another ten.
  • Strain the contents and serve, for example, in your favorite cup. Then add the five tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Drink every day on an empty stomach.

2. Cinnamon and lemon to lose weight

Surely you’ve heard it said that “there are foods that speed up our metabolism.” So, if there is an effective way to increase the metabolic rate, it is thanks to this remedy based on cinnamon and lemon.

Cinnamon helps us control blood insulin levels as well as carbohydrates.

Thus, instead of storing them, our organism will use them as a form of energy.

Therefore, by taking this combination of cinnamon and lemon every day, you will be able to face the most resistant fat, that is, the one located in the abdomen region to, little by little, be able to lose weight with health.

Below we explain how you should take this remedy to promote progressive weight and body fat loss.


  • 1 branch of cinnamon
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice (50 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


As you can see, the ingredients are the same as in the previous recipe. You must follow the same instructions.

The only difference is that you will have to take this remedy 20 minutes after your main meal of the day. This will speed up your metabolism and take care of your digestion at the same time.

3. Get a healthy, clean and acne-free face

cinnamon lemon acne

Cinnamon, along with lemon juice, acts as an effective antibacterial agent. Both focus their field of action in two areas:

  • Lemon juice will help reduce – but not disappear – the blemishes that the most rebellious acne tends to leave behind.
  • Cinnamon will work to reduce the small infections that cause pimples.
  • If you get used to using this simple remedy every night, you will be able to reduce the impact of acne and, in turn, will ease the small scars or marks associated with this problem.

Worth a try. See how to do it.


  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (10 ml)
  • a small container
  • 1 cotton pad


  • First, use this treatment at night, before going to sleep. Remember to clean your face thoroughly before applying.
  • Wet the cotton with the mixture of the two ingredients and apply to the areas most affected by acne.
  • Leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Do this whenever a blackhead appears or to reduce facial blemishes associated with acne.

4. Fights colds and flu

cinnamon lemon

This cinnamon and lemon remedy will not prevent you from becoming infected with the flu or cold virus. This is something important that we have to make clear.

However, what we will achieve is that its effects are lighter and that we can recover sooner.

Thanks to the vitamin C of lemon and the antibacterial effects of cinnamon it will be possible to have a stronger immune system.

In this way, we will avoid feverish periods and excess mucus.

We explain below how to prepare this sensational remedy.


  • 1 branch of cinnamon
  • 1 cup of orange juice (250 ml)
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice (50 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5g)


  • First, extract the natural orange juice. Once ready, we will cook it for 5 minutes along with the cinnamon and honey.
  • After this time, we remove the cinnamon and add the 5 spoons of lemon.
  • Drink in the mornings for your breakfast. You will see how well it goes.

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