Coconut Oil To Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk

In order to benefit from its properties, we must obtain an organically produced extra-virgin coconut oil and avoid refined ones, which can contain toxic substances.
Coconut Oil to Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer's

According to a very recent study published in journals such as the Alzheimer’s Society , regular consumption of coconut oil could reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. Thus, it is a very interesting possibility to prevent the onset of dementia.

In 2017, new clinical reports are expected to definitively validate the benefit or not of offering coconut oil to people with the disease.

Currently, many patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease present not a stable improvement, but a decrease in the degenerative process, and this in itself is a fact that gives us hope.

To date, science has not been able to offer an effective cure or treatment for Alzheimer’s. So, at the moment, we only have strategies to stop its progress as far as possible.

So coconut oil is an interesting option we want to talk about.

Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk With Coconut Oil

Many are used to reading and hearing various recommendations on how to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. Increase the consumption of omega 3, preserve our cognitive reserve, increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables…

We have to clarify that, although this degenerative disease has no cure, it is worth having healthy lifestyle habits to at least prevent its onset.

The origin of Alzheimer’s has three basic hypotheses: acetylcholine deficit, amyloid accumulation and metabolic disorders.


So how could coconut oil benefit us? We explain:

The Glucose Problem in Alzheimer’s

The nerve cells in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s are unable to use glucose for energy. So, as a consequence, these cells fail to perform their function effectively,  degrading themselves.

  • Coconut oil acts at the brain level as a form of fuel or “alternative energy”. Thus, it is able to preserve part of the functioning of the cells.
  • A clinical study is currently being conducted in the United States to demonstrate whether coconut oil can actually act as a natural glucose substitute for nerve cells.

The results will be published in 2017.

The role of ketones in our brain

Ketones are an organic compound in coconut oil that could slow down the progress of Alzheimer’s. The way they would achieve this would be as follows:

  • Medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) present in coconut oil do not transform into adipose tissue to be stored, but go directly to the liver to be converted to ketones.
  • Ketones are released into the bloodstream and then transported to the brain, where they are easily used as fuel, without the need for insulin.
  • These ketones enhance and improve cognitive processes.
  • We have to remember that patients with Alzheimer’s disease have a very characteristic resistance to insulin. So coconut oil stands out as a very interesting alternative.

Can coconut oil prevent and cure Alzheimer’s?

The answer to whether coconut oil can cure Alzheimer’s is “NO”. However, on the question of being able to prevent it, we currently do not have enough studies to give a safe and firm answer.

While we await further research and studies, the data we can currently stick to are the following:

  • Coconut oil fights inflammation.
  • Coconut oil improves the cognitive processes of patients affected by dementia. Its effects are “short term”. Currently, the pharmaceutical industry works to achieve a more “lasting” effect.
  • Coconut oil has a beneficial fat that enhances the health of our liver and our brain.
  • Coconut oil is a very energetic and nutritious food supplement that offers good results for patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

How Should We Consume Coconut Oil to Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s

The recommended dose is a daily spoonful, containing 15 grams. It is important that you consume the most natural unrefined extra virgin coconut oil you can find on the market.

You will find coconut oil in almost solid form, and many people use it as an alternative to butter.

So the best way to consume coconut oil to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s is as follows:

  • Naturally, just a spoonful when you get up in the morning
  • A tablespoon mixed with coffee
  • One tablespoon mixed with oats
  • A tablespoon mixed with juice

In short, although more studies are needed, it is worth including coconut oil in our diet.

It is a very nutritious supplement that allows us to improve our health, lose weight and, in addition, take care of our brain.

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