Decrease Foot Cracks With 7 Home Remedies

To optimize the effects of the remedies we present, remember to moisturize the area affected by the crack frequently and use a pumice stone or similar to remove dead skin.
Decrease foot cracks with 7 home remedies

The toes and heels suffer daily pressure and constant friction with socks and shoes. This causes the skin to harden, giving the feet a sloppy look.

Home remedies to reduce the roughness of the feet

In this article, we’ll see how to eliminate the roughness of the feet with different home remedies, economical and easy to prepare in the comfort of your home:

1. Aspirin

In a container with a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of water dissolve six previously crushed aspirin tablets.

Shake well until you get a smooth mixture, which can be applied to rough areas.

Then cover the area with a towel. Thirty minutes later, rinse your feet with warm water and remove dead skin with sandpaper or pumice.

Finally, dry your feet well. It is advisable to repeat this procedure twice a week, but the results can be seen right from the start.

2. Apple vinegar

In half a glass of apple cider vinegar, moisten half a slice of bread and apply to the hardened skin of each foot. Cover the area with a cloth or towel and let the vinegar work overnight.

The next day, apply a moisturizing cream to finish the treatment. What will make the difference in the treatment is consistency.

3. Chamomile tea

chamomile tea

To soften rough skin, a good recommendation is to soak your feet in a basin of hot water and 4 tea bags of chamomile.

Thirty minutes later, rub your heels with a pumice stone or special sandpaper. This will remove dead skin and improve the appearance of your feet.

4. Sodium bicarbonate

The procedure is similar to the previous ones, and so are their effects. In a container of hot water, dissolve 3 tablespoons of baking soda and soak your feet for 10 minutes.

The exfoliating power of baking soda is very effective in removing dead skin. To improve its effects, we can use a pumice stone.

5. Moisturizing lotion and petroleum jelly

There are several procedures that help to eliminate the calluses from the feet. The habit of doing these practices with rigor will guarantee great results that will translate into more beautiful feet.

First, immerse your feet in warm water without soap, so as not to remove natural oils or dry out the dermis.

With a pumice stone, rub the hardest parts and then rinse. It is important to wash the stone to remove dead cells and dirt to prolong its life.

Then apply a moisturizing foot lotion. It is advisable to massage with an oil-based ointment within three minutes after removing your feet from the water.

To minimize the risk of mold, it is advisable to avoid putting lotion between your fingers.

Then apply Vaseline to the hardest areas and put on socks. Leave it on overnight and the next morning wash your feet with warm water and a mild soap.

6. Honey, sugar and lemon

The exfoliation with honey, sugar and lemon is a very effective treatment to eliminate calluses.

In a glass, mix all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture, which will serve to exfoliate your feet.

Then, a body moisturizing cream or a special foot cream is applied. Cover your feet with a plastic bag and wrap them in a towel.

After 20 minutes, remove the towel and bag. You will notice that the feeling of smoothness is immediate.

7. Olive oil or Vaseline

Olive oil

In a container of warm water, soak your feet for 20 minutes. Dry your feet and rub them with a pumice stone or sandpaper to remove dead skin.

Then moisturize both feet with olive oil or Vaseline and put on socks. For greater hydration, sleep with your socks on and only remove them in the morning.

Other recommendations

When your feet are softer after applying these seven home remedies, other recommendations may be required:

  • Wear comfortable shoes that allow your skin to breathe.
  • When buying shoes, and especially in hot weather, it is preferable to buy them in the afternoon, when the feet are more swollen.
  • Wearing very high heels should not be frequent.
  • A deodorized and clean shoe will prevent mold growth, bad odors and infections.

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