Delicious Garlic Butter To Spice Up Your Dishes

Garlic butter is an option that you can adapt to your own tastes. It combines the smoothness of butter with the flavor of garlic and will dazzle your guests.
Delicious garlic butter to season your dishes

Without a doubt, garlic butter combines two essential ingredients from kitchens around the world. For many, butter is in common and even daily use.

In its various preparations, it accompanies breakfasts, is greased on toast or even  used to give texture to confectionery recipes. Sometimes you can also accompany the jelly, if you like mixed flavors.

This dairy derivative is part of many cultures. It’s hard to imagine bread without butter or some delicious biscuits made without its creaminess. However, today you will learn to mix it with garlic,  an ingredient that brings flavor and character to the preparations in which it is added.

Learn How You Can Make Garlic Butter At Home

garlic butter in the bowl

Garlic butter  can be used both for morning toast and to surprise your guests on an afternoon of snacks. This recipe will go down very well when making small cocktail toast or when added to some fish so that it is browned in the skillet.

So, dare to mix these two ingredients from the comfort of your own home. Remember that you can adapt the recipe to your personal preferences or the ingredients you have in the fridge.  Let creativity flow and surprise your guests.


  • 3 cups of base butter  (360 g)
  • 2 sprigs of parsley (180 g)
  • 1 spoon of mustard (15 g)
  • 3 cloves of unpeeled garlic  (45 g)
  • 1 pinch of salt (5 g)
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper (5 g)

Method of preparation

  1. First, make sure all the ingredients are fresh. With regard to butter,  it is recommended that it be at room temperature  rather than previously frozen.
  2. Then chop the garlic into very fine cuts.
  3. Repeat the same operation with the parsley branches.
  4. Afterwards, pass everything in a wooden mortar and crush by hand.
  5. Then season with a little salt, pepper  and don’t forget to add the mustard spoon.
  6. Depending on the type of butter you have used, the amount of salt will vary. If you feel a little longer, you can increase the dose.
  7. Afterwards, have an electric mixer in hand and place the butter and garlic seasoning you prepared in it.
  8. Be sure to mix all ingredients well.
  9. Completed the previous step, you will have obtained a creamy mass. You can also add a little more parsley to taste.
  10. Then place the mixture on a table and use a roller to flatten it evenly.
  11. To finish,  refrigerate the mixture and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
  12. After that time, just take it out of the fridge and start smearing your favorite foods with your homemade garlic butter with a touch of parsley.

Other ideas for using garlic butter


You can add a little  whole milk or cream to the mixture if you want it to be thinner. In addition, this idea is great to grease like a sauce.

In addition, you can replace parsley with another herb such as rosemary, thyme or basil. It will all depend on the flavor and aroma you want to impregnate in the butter. If you cook meat or fish in the pan, you should also choose the right herb.

Finally, we hope you enjoy this versatile recipe and that your preparations acquire all the taste of garlic and the smoothness of butter. Enjoy it!

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