Did You Know That Cider Vinegar Helps Control Diabetes?

Besides being essential to do this treatment under medical supervision, to control diabetes and not suffer from other diseases, we should not exceed our daily consumption of two tablespoons of vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is a natural product used for various therapeutic purposes for hundreds of years.

Its gastronomic applications are better known, however, its high content of active principles and essential nutrients stand out in several cultures.

It is also popular for the health benefits it offers and, in fact, many of them have been proven by scientific research.

Most of them derive from their high content of natural trace elements and acids that alkalize the body and improve intestinal health.

One of the most studied properties is its ability to moderate blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes.

Significant discoveries were made about this and, today, it is said that it could become the key to controlling this disease.

Cider Vinegar Can Be As Effective As Diabetes Medications

Type 2 diabetes is the most common among patients suffering from this disease. Its responsible factors are blood sugar levels and insulin.

It develops when the body loses the ability to regulate blood glucose, either because of insulin resistance or lack of production.

In this regard, it has been determined that  the nutrients that apple cider vinegar contains reduce and treat diabetes  by optimizing insulin function and controlling sugar levels.

Woman measuring glucose levels

On a medical level, drugs have been developed with the purpose of blocking the digestion of sugars and starches. With this reaction, the risk of reaching high sugar peaks is reduced  and diabetes is thus controlled.

What was discovered recently is that apple cider vinegar has beneficial substances to generate this type of blockage, which indicates that it has an action similar to such medications.

This benefit is attributed to its significant content of acetic acid, a bioactive substance contained in almost all vinegars.

Its action prevents the total digestion of complex carbohydrates, made by either accelerating gastric emptying or by increasing the absorption of glucose by body tissues.

One theory suggests that the cider vinegar product has the ability to  inhibit the activity of some digestive enzymes that break down carbohydrates into sugar, which slows down the process of conversion to glucose within the bloodstream.

With this the body has more time to metabolize blood sugar, so it prevents levels from rising to dangerous rates.

How to consume cider vinegar to control diabetes?

To take advantage of this quality of apple cider vinegar, it is important to make it clear:

It must not be taken in excess and it must be 100% organic!

It is an easy to find product on the market with multiple brands and presentations. However, certain brands, especially the cheaper ones, do not have the beneficial properties because of the refining processes.

Therefore, it  is essential to verify its origin or choose to prepare it at home from the fermentation of apple juice.

Ways to consume

In order to regulate blood glucose, it is recommended to take it every day, not to exceed two tablespoons a day. Also, they should be diluted without water or other ingredients to avoid mouth and throat irritation.

It is best to consume on an empty stomach or before going to sleep. However, in the latter case it can cause the urge to urinate throughout the night.

Another way to consume it is as a salad dressing or adding in juices and smoothies.  Both ways are helpful in avoiding sugar spikes right after consuming certain foods during main meals.

It is important to consider that the acids in vinegar erode tooth enamel and can cause burns to sensitive tissues. Therefore, never exceed the recommended amount.

On the other hand, it is essential to consider that its prolonged consumption can decrease potassium levels and bone density. To prevent these reactions, it  is advisable to undergo treatment for two consecutive weeks, every month.

If you have low potassium or suffer from osteoporosis, it is essential to consult a doctor before taking this type of medicine.

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