Discover The Carrulin, The Blood-cleaning Remedy With Rue And Lemon

Although the carrulin is usually known for renewing the body’s energies, what is certain is that it also has physical benefits, since it is a cleansing drink.
Discover the carrulin, the blood-cleaning remedy with rue and lemon

Carrulim is an ancient medicinal remedy originating in Paraguay,  prepared from sugarcane, rue and lemon liqueur. It is taken to cleanse the blood and renew energy.

In this article you will be able to discover everything that surrounds this mysterious and surprising healing drink.

Carrulim, the medicine to cleanse the blood

Carrulin is an alcoholic medicinal drink that contains sugarcane, rue and lemon liqueur, although there are some variations with other ingredients such as honey and rosemary.

This drink is prepared and consumed by hand in Paraguay and in regions close to Brazil and Argentina.

Tradition says that it should be consumed on August 1 of each year,  a day on which you can find the drink in any natural food store.

Origin of the remedy

The Guarani indigenous culture of Paraguay knows that August is a difficult month for health and luck in general.

For this reason, he devised a remedy that would strengthen the organism and also renew and improve energy to fight any kind of evil.

According to tradition, the carrulin is drunk on the 1st of August because this date represents the second entry point to the year, which coincides with the Paraguayan winter.

As for the way to take it, there are different opinions:

  • Some say it’s three sips, while others prefer to drink seven.
  • The more orthodox opt for a small spoon, as they say it is actually effective on an almost magical and energetic level.
  • However, there are also those who abuse the medicine, which  , like any alcoholic beverage, has its negative consequences.

medicinal properties

the rue

Rue stands out for its energetic properties, as it has the ability to ward off bad energies and protect us from any danger.

Physically, it improves circulation and digestive function.

In some cultures we can see how they put rue at the entrances of houses to protect themselves from situations that could bring some danger.

If the plant dies, another is put in its place so that it performs the same function.

Rue should not be taken during pregnancy, as it is considered an abortive plant.

The lemon

Lemon is for cleaning the blood

Lemon is, in all likelihood, one of the most cleansing and purifying fruits we can find. It helps to eliminate toxins and, despite being acidic, it has the virtue of regulating the pH and neutralizing hyperacidity.

This citrus fruit strengthens our immune system and improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys and intestine.

Most of its properties are found in the peel, which we can consume as long as it is an organic fruit.

the rosemary

Like rue, rosemary also has the virtue of chasing away negative energies and cleansing us at a deeper level.

On a physical level, it is an excellent digestive plant that favors the function of the liver and intestine.

Rosemary strengthens the immune system and helps us fight a lot of infections as it acts as a natural antibiotic.

Lastly, rosemary stimulates the body, moderately increases blood pressure and promotes circulation.

our non-alcoholic medicine

Carrulin in bottle

Based on this old carrulin recipe, we propose  an up- to-date, alcohol-free remedy based on the same medicinal ingredients:


  • 1 organic lemon (we will use the juice and rind)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • ½ tablespoon of rosemary (3 g)
  • 1 spoon of rue (4 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of bee honey (60 g)

What to do?

We will prepare our depurative remedy as follows:

  • Squeeze the lemon and set aside the juice.
  • Bring the water to a boil along with the sliced ​​lemon rind and rosemary. Let it cook for 15 minutes.
  • When there are 2 minutes left to turn off the heat, add the rue.
  • Cover the container with a lid and let it stand for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the medicine, add the lemon juice and sweeten with the bee honey.
  • The medicinal drink will be ready.

How to take?

Consume this remedy divided into several doses:

  • 2 cups on an empty stomach.
  • 1 cup mid-morning.
  • 1 glass mid-afternoon.

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