Discover The Great Benefits Of Soaked Almonds

By consuming the soaked almonds, we are able to make better use of their nutrients, such as vitamin E, which appears when the almond shell is removed.

Eating a handful of soaked almonds is a tradition in many countries, such as India, for example.

Although it may sound strange, this habit offers remarkable benefits that can help us treat such common problems as poor digestion or high blood pressure.

Also, if we get used to eating 5 soaked almonds a day for breakfast,  we will have an excellent nutritional supplement to improve weight loss.

Below we will talk all the tips about this natural remedy.

1. Soaked almonds give us more nutrients

Almonds are oilseeds that do a lot for our health. In fact, its popularity and benefits are so well known that it is common for many of us to consume almond milk daily.

  • There is a curious fact that we must know: to make the most of all their nutrients,  we must soak them overnight.
  • Thanks to this, we can eliminate the brown skin that protects the fruit and, in turn, acts as an inhibitor of the almond’s own natural enzymes.
  • Also, by soaking them, they are softened and easier to chew and digest.
  • Consuming just 5 soaked almonds per day will boost our memory, get vitamin E, zinc, calcium, magnesium and omega 3 essential fatty acids.

2. Improve our digestion

Almonds left to soak favor the release of digestive enzymes that  will help us to absorb their nutrients much better.

In turn, leaving the almonds in water for at least 8 hours helps to release the enzyme lipase, a very powerful component that helps in the digestion of fats.

3. Favor weight loss

Monounsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids present in almonds help us in many ways when it comes to losing weight:

  • Offer satiety.
  • Avoid constipation.
  • Help to digest fats.
  • Strengthen muscle mass, avoiding the classic flaccidity.
  • Fight the metabolic syndrome.

4. Take care of your heart

heart health

Something we all know is that the most recommendable dried fruit to take care of the heart is nuts. However, almonds are also equally beneficial.

Almonds help us reduce bad cholesterol levels naturally.

Eating 5 soaked almonds a day will help you make much better use of your minerals and antioxidants to care for your veins and arteries, promote blood circulation and optimize the health of the lining of the arteries.

5. They are a very powerful source of vitamin E

Soaked almonds are a good source of antioxidants (especially vitamin E). This vitamin appears first of all when we remove the brown husk that covers the almond.

Furthermore, thanks to the water present in this fruit, we can chew it better and all of this makes it a very powerful source of the aforementioned vitamin E, capable of preventing aging and inflammation.

In turn, its high content of antioxidants helps us to fight the outbreak of cancer.

6. They are very good for children

If we get the children used to eating between 4 and 6 almonds left to soak every day, we will help to promote their proper brain development.

Almonds are rich in folic acid and essential fatty acids,  very suitable for improving children’s memory and intelligence  and promoting the proper development of bones and muscles.

7. Favor skin health

Soaked almonds can be an exceptional skin care remedy.

  • After soaking all night, we can take them to a blender to obtain a homogeneous paste.
  • This paste  can be used as a natural moisturizing cream,  applying it as a poultice for 20 minutes.
  • Thanks to this natural treatment, we will improve the tone of our skin, recover the lost glow and accelerate, in addition, the formation of new cells, thanks to vitamin E.

To conclude, although almonds are very nutritious anyway, to make the most of their nutrients and digest them better, we recommend letting them soak for at least 8 hours before consuming them.

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