Discover The Technique That Will Make Squats Work

Although we can do them with weights to optimize the exercise, in order for squats to take effect early on, it’s a good idea to focus on correct execution to avoid injury. 
Discover the technique that will make squats work 

Squats are very common exercises in physical training to strengthen the legs and glutes. However, its impact can cause knee injuries. Here, we’ll explain a technique that can help make squats work.

Squats are exercises performed to strengthen the muscles in the lower body . They consist of flexing and extending the knees and hips, mobilizing the load (ballast) on the trunk.

To start the squat you should stand and spread your legs at hip level . Then bend your knees and lower your back with a slight incline. Extend your arms when crouching, then repeat.

The execution possibilities are varied. The first is to perform squats on the move, that is, moving up and down slowly. The other alternative is to hold the squat position for 30 seconds.

Poor execution of the squats can lead to knee injuries . Therefore, it can be considered a harmful and high impact exercise.

This is because the weight of the body rests on the knees and legs. Therefore, if you work too hard in training, you may suffer a muscle strain or injury.

Here we’ll leave you with a technique that can help you do squats that support effects while avoiding injury. Thanks to these simple tips you can make squats part of your physical training to strengthen your body.

Keep your back straight for squats to take effect 

dumbbell squats

When performing squats you should have your back straight and the lumbar muscles contracted . This will help balance the weight supported by the spine, and will create less pressure on the intervertebral discs.

Also, crouching with your back bent will not allow you to properly perform squats. In fact, you could injure your back or one of your vertebral discs .

The back will be the support to keep the weight between the legs and the body and, in addition, will provide balance when lowering the back.

full descent 

When you do squats it’s best that you lower your body completely , as this will reduce the chances of spinal and knee injuries.

In the case of your knees, you must place them at a right angle and exert a pressure greater than your weight, in order to overcome the inertia of the descent.

It is important to take into account that, when lowering the body, the knees do not extend too far above the toes . This will be your guide to getting down correctly, and for the squats to take effect. Otherwise they could damage the knee.

Establish a good leg opening 

When starting the squat, your legs should reach hip-width apart . This opening will allow you to maintain balance during the exercise.

Also, your toes should be slightly outward. It is important not to open or close them too much as this can increase the pressure on your knees.

It is not recommended to close your legs, as you would not get the correct movement in the squats.

Likewise, you can also lift your heels a little on the way down . This will allow for better balance and will prevent pressure on your ankles and heels. It all depends on the type of exercise you want to do, but if you’re looking for weight lifting, it’s best to put your entire foot on the floor.

Shoulders straight and arms straight for squats to work

When lowering your body, your arms should straighten out in a straight line, without bending your elbows. The Arm Stretch can help us maintain our balance , and distribute our weight between our upper and lower body. It will also help maintain proper lower back tension.

Breathe and contract the abdomen 

Breathing will be a key element in performing squats as it can contribute to oxygenation in the brain . You must inhale as you descend and exhale as you ascend. This will help the movement to flow, and relieve tension in the abdomen and back.

When lowering your body during squats you should also contract your abdomen . This will help you keep your balance and reduce your chances of getting dizzy when lifting your body.

Furthermore, squats should be performed calmly and fluently to get good movement; if you do them quickly, you could get injured.

The squat is an excellent exercise to keep your body healthy and your mind balanced. Thus, you will be able to concentrate and strengthen your legs and back . Your body needs a moment of wellness, and squats will help provide health.

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