Do You Have Dry Hair? Improve Your Appearance With This Banana And Lemon Mask

In addition to the benefits of bananas, thanks to the vitamins in lemon juice, this mask helps to retain hair moisture and promotes collagen production to strengthen it.
Do you have dry hair?  Improve your appearance with this banana and lemon mask.

Constant exposure to the sun, environmental toxins, and regular use of chemicals are just some of the factors that can lead to dry hair.

This condition, very common among women, originates when the hair follicles cannot sufficiently absorb moisture and nutrients, showing a noticeable weakening in the strength of the entire hair.

Excessive fall, split ends, and growth difficulties are also related to this problem, especially when proper treatment is not performed.

Fortunately, today there are hundreds of moisturizing and revitalizing products that help resolve this condition and keep your hair shiny, strong and healthy.

The problem is that many products are very expensive and not everyone has enough money to buy them frequently.

However, there are also 100% natural options that, through the combination of ingredients, help to hydrate and strengthen the hair without causing any side effects.

Among these options, we find an interesting banana and lemon mask, ideal for regulating capillary pH and retaining moisture in its roots.

Be sure to give it a try!

Treat dry hair with a banana and lemon hair mask

The Banana and Lemon Hair Mask is a revitalizing treatment that helps reduce hair damage for a shiny, voluminous appearance.

It has essential proteins and amino acids that nourish the scalp to retain moisture while stimulating growth.

Its high content of antioxidants and vitamins stops cell damage caused by free radicals, while controlling excess hair loss and premature capillary aging.

Banana Benefits


Banana is a fruit rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds that are used in different ways to benefit the skin and hair.

Its significant amount of vitamins A, C and E exerts a repairing effect, ideal for curbing excessive hair loss and the appearance of split ends.

Bananas contain minerals such as calcium, potassium and iron that, when absorbed, help maintain moisture in the scalp and follicles.

Many consider it a good alternative to commercial conditioners, as it does not contain harsh chemicals, and its external use leaves hair smooth, soft and healthy looking.

Furthermore, its compounds do not alter the activity of the sebaceous glands, on the contrary, they help them to secrete the correct amount of natural oils.

Lemon Benefits

lemon juice

Even though lemon juice is used to control excess sebum production in the scalp, it also has positive effects on dry hair.

Its high amount of vitamin C and E promotes moisture retention and increases collagen production, making the strands strong, long and shiny.

It has antibacterial and antifungal effects that, on the scalp, prevent skin infections and dandruff.

Its natural antioxidants protect against the aggression of the sun and free radicals, fighting fragility and decay.

How to prepare this banana and lemon mask for dry hair?

dry-hair mask

To enhance the moisturizing action of this homemade mask, we advise you to combine banana and lemon with a small amount of coconut oil.

This ingredient is rich in essential fatty acids and antibacterial substances that will serve to improve the effects of the treatment.


  • 1 very ripe banana
  • 1 lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil 15 g (optional)

Method of preparation

  • Peel the ripe banana and mash its pulp in a container with the help of a fork.
  • After obtaining a thick dough, mix the juice of one lemon and the spoon of coconut oil.
  • Mix until it is very smooth and make sure it has a creamy texture that makes it easy to apply.

mode of use

  • Wet the hair, separating it into several strands, and apply  the mask from the roots to the ends.
  • After covering all the hair, put on a cap and leave it on for about 30 or 45 minutes.
  • After the indicated time has passed, rinse with hot water and let it dry in the open air.
  • Repeat use about three times a week.

As you’ve just realized, it’s very easy to apply a moisturizing treatment to combat hair dryness.

Use it within your beauty routine and see that you don’t need to spend too much to keep your hair strong and shiny.

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