Do You Know Pineberry? A Pineapple Flavored Strawberry!

Since its cultivation is very limited, those who want to enjoy this fruit need to pay a lot for a minimal amount.

Pineberry, also known as “white strawberry”, is a very curious exotic fruit that few people know about. It was rescued by a group of Dutch farmers when it was about to be extinct.

Although in 2003 this strange variety of strawberry almost disappeared, it was the opportune action of the farmers that managed to extend its existence until today,  when the fruit is already out of danger.

There are several exotic fruits called “rare”, as they are often difficult to grow and only occur a few times a year. The white strawberry is one of them, as it is not well known due to its scarcity.

A little of history…

White strawberry tastes very similar to pineapple, but it is actually a strawberry variety.

Historically, they are said to have originated in Chile. But in the 17th century they were taken to France, from where they spread to other parts of the world. This small fruit is a cross between two species of strawberries (Fragaria virginiana and Fragaria chiloensis), both of American origin.

This hybrid, which appeared accidentally, received the scientific name Fragaria ananassa to indicate its hybrid origin and its distinct aroma of tropical pineapple ( Ananas comosus ).

Although in antiquity they were commercialized in Central and South America, where it was possible to cultivate more easily, the lack of interest on the part of farmers regarding their planting and care meant that the species was disappearing until it almost reached extinction.

The fruit has not disappeared only because in 2003 some Dutch farmers decided to commit to cultivating it to save the species and introduced it back to France for commercial purposes.

White strawberry characteristics

  • The fruit is characterized by having a strong aroma and flavor of tropical pineapple, especially when it reaches a higher degree of ripeness.
  • Unlike common strawberries, this variety is white with red achenes and green leaves.
  • Its plant is very resistant to diseases, but its cultivation is not profitable in economic terms, as it has small sizes and low yields in terms of the number of fruits per plant.
  • Its nutritional contents are estimated to be as beneficial as those of a common strawberry. However, the fact has not been investigated sufficiently.

Species recovery

Until 2003 white strawberries were almost extinct and were known by few due to lack of interest.

Currently, the fruit is still very scarce, which is why its existence is completely unknown in many countries. Given the difficulties that exist for its production, those who have access to it need to pay a lot for a small quantity.

It is expected that in the coming years it will be cultivated again in several countries with the aim of making them a more accessible fruit for popular consumption.

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