Egg White And Orange Peel Skin Mask

Remember that citrus fruits can sensitize the skin to the sun’s rays, so reserve this orange and egg white mask for the night.
Egg white and orange peel skin mask

Treatments with natural ingredients have become one of the favorite options for caring and renewing the skin’s appearance.

Although the catalog of cosmetic products is very wide, thousands of women are choosing to use the old homemade solutions because they consider them to be very effective and more economical.

Although they lost their fame over time, these masks have amazing properties to improve the appearance of the face without the need to expose the skin to the chemicals of commercial creams and lotions.

In fact, some are more effective because they have active ingredients that provide multiple benefits with the same recipe.

This is the case of the facial treatment we will share below, which combines the properties of egg white and orange peel to provide multiple benefits.

In this way, today we will reveal its main benefits and the steps to prepare it at home.

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What are the benefits of egg white and orange peel for the skin?

The combination of egg white with orange peel results in a product full of antioxidants that promotes skin repair to keep it young.

Its significant contribution of proteins and moisturizing substances increases collagen production to firm and tone the skin.

Benefits of Egg White

egg white

The egg contains a substance called lutein, which has the benefit of retaining the skin’s natural moisture while giving it elasticity.

In addition, it provides vitamins A, B and D, whose action reduces the effects of free radicals to prevent signs of aging.

Even more, it reduces pore size and reduces the presence of blackheads, acne and other imperfections.

Benefits of orange peel

Orange skin

In recent years, many people have been able to prove that orange peel is not something that should be thrown away.

The bark we often underestimate is packed with vitamins C and E, two powerful antioxidants that eradicate free radicals and oxidative damage.

Citric acid participates in collagen production and regulates the natural pH to control oil production.

In addition, it contains calcium, a mineral that, when applied, helps cell activity to maintain the good quality of the skin.

It has an exfoliating and astringent power that is useful to reduce blemishes, excess dead cells and acne.

How to prepare an egg white and orange peel facial treatment?

egg white mask

This egg white and orange peel facial is recommended for tired skin with signs of sagging.

Its active principles refresh it immediately and allow the oxygenation process to take place without problems for a complete renewal.

It can be used as a skin detoxification method, but also as a natural exfoliant and astringent.


  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tablespoon of orange peel (10 g)
  • 1 clean cloth
  • Cold water (amount required)


  • First, put an orange peel to dry in the sun.
  • Then crush it with a pestle to powder it.
  • Once you’re done, beat the egg whites and mix it with the powder from the shell.
  • Make sure everything is well integrated and start the application

Application mode

  • Before starting, it is important to clarify that this is a night treatment.
  • Therefore, it should not be used during the day because the skin is a little sensitive to the sun.
  • With that in mind, clean your face to remove surface dirt and any makeup residue.
  • Once it is clean, apply the product in all areas, with the exception of the contour of the eyes and lips.
  • Then leave for 15 minutes and massage.
  • Moisten the skin with warm water and make a circular motion with your fingertips.
  • Then dampen a cloth in ice water and apply to the face.
  • Press a little and keep in contact with the skin for one minute.
  • Repeat this step three times and rinse.
  • Dry well and feel your face fresh and rejuvenated.
  • Use once a week.

The benefits of this treatment are obtained after several applications. However, it is worth incorporating it into your beauty routine to prove how healthy it is for your skin.

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