End The Anxiety

Who has not experienced episodes of anxiety? With a few simple and natural tips it is possible to end it. Check out.
end the anxiety

Who has never suffered from anxiety symptoms? And they are the most varied. Anguish, feeling that something bad is going to happen, discomfort, strong insecurity, apprehension and fear, for example.

There are now many medications that help to treat anxiety. However, what most people who suffer from this condition do not know is that with natural tips it is possible to improve anxiety.

Natural Tips

practice physical exercise

A great ally in the treatment of anxiety is the practice of physical exercise. When we exercise, we release an important substance, serotonin, responsible for the sensation of pleasure.

Of course, the success of this practice is directly related to the disposition of each person. After all, not everyone likes to exercise and for some it is a real martyrdom.

So, a good tip, and nothing sacrificing, is to walk at least three times a week. Half an hour of walking is enough for the treatment. In addition, when you walk, you not only exercise your body, but also your mind, even serving as a type of meditation.

When performing the repetitive movements of walking, you think and work on the points that generate anxiety.

Beach travel - woman walking on sand beach closeup
Light and repetitive activities, such as a good walk, enjoying a calm look, can undoubtedly alleviate the problems generated by anxiety.

control your breathing

By controlling breathing, we reduce reactions caused by the nervous system. An important exercise is when you repeatedly do the inhale movement through the nose with your mouth closed.

So, in doing this, the abdomen expands instead of the chest. Then slowly exhale the air through your mouth.

This is a great relaxation technique that guarantees good results. And the best part: you don’t need an environment conducive to it. You can do it anywhere, on the street, coming back from work, at college…

Whenever you are in a quieter place where you can lie down, this technique is even more effective. A relaxed body along with diaphragmatic breathing will reduce symptoms such as wheezing, trembling and tachycardia.

control your thoughts

If the period of your anxiety is very long, it is recommended that you control your thoughts, avoiding thinking about anything negative. In the face of any problem, try to think of all the alternatives to solve it.

We must measure our responsibility in the unpleasant act and always think not only about alternatives, but also about more pleasant things. Of course, thinking good thoughts in difficult situations is not an easy practice, but it will help a lot to fight anxiety.

reduce stress

Those who already have a history of anxiety need to work on stress daily. Alternative ways to combat it are acupuncture, massage, meditation and yoga. The latter, for example, helps a person to control not only the body, but also the mind.

What’s more, you gain more flexibility in your body, increase your outlook on life, strengthen your muscles and completely control stress. Just find the technique that best suits your body and mind.

Lotus Pose
Yoga is an excellent alternative way to reduce stress as it helps us to control not only the mind but also the body, all through proper breathing.

miraculous foods

Some foods are sources of tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin. This is the case with bananas and chocolate, for example, but all done in moderation.

The tryptophan is also found in capsules, plus magnesium and vitamin B6. Also, another alternative is teas. Most of them have sedative substances in their composition , which control anxiety.  The most common are chamomile, melissa and passionflower.

cup of herbal tea with chamomile flowers
Teas are a good alternative to reduce and control anxiety. Chamomile tea, for example, is an excellent natural tranquilizer.

Finally, it is noteworthy that these techniques are alternatives and you should seek medical help according to the persistence of symptoms.

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