Food For After Exercise

If you don’t want to spoil the results of your exercise routine, it’s important to be extra careful when choosing the foods you consume when you finish your workout. Look at the foods you should never eat after exercise and 3 foods you should eat.
Food for after exercise

We often end up eating poorly due to lack of knowledge. If you are going to exercise and want to take care of your health, pay attention to this article with the best post-exercise eating tips.

What Foods Should I Never Eat After Exercise?

1. Red Meat

Red meat

Exercise improves intellectual performance, but we don’t immediately eat red meat.

  • According to a study carried out by the University of Georgia, it is  enough to do about 20 minutes of exercise to be able to incorporate and retain information.
  • However, this is not possible if we eat red meat immediately. Their consumption would have less beneficial effects on the brain, as, after ingesting them, they limit learning and memory.

It is also related to the amount of saturated fats present in red meat that  tend to slow down the metabolism. What we don’t want if what we’re looking for is to preserve the health of the digestive system and lose weight.

2. Smoothies

The smoothies were sold under an apparent healthiness that is not so true as well. And you should keep in mind that, in the end, they are shakes filled with sugar, at least those that come ready-made.

So while smoothies seem like the perfect drink to sip on an afternoon after strenuous exercise, consider that not all are advisable.

  • Without going too far with explanations, suffice it to say that those with a high amount of sugar  will double the amount of calories you burn during your exercise routine. So be very careful with them!
  • And if you want to take them, opt for natural self-made alternatives. The best are preparations based on vegetables and fiber and with no added sugars.

3.  The  fried food 

avoid fried food

Fried foods and fast food have lots of saturated fats. This type of food is not recommended at any time and is also not advisable when you finish your exercise plan.

Think that your reward for effort shouldn’t be eating more calories than you’ve expended.

  • Keep in mind that  the body needs 9 grams of energy to digest one gram of fat.
  • In addition, this type of food is responsible for slowing down the metabolism, which has already been accelerated thanks to physical activity.

4. Dried fruits are not recommended after exercise

Although nuts are healthy when consumed in small amounts, it’s best not to eat them after an exercise routine.

If it is true that you have to consume foods rich in protein, and nuts are very rich in them, you  have to take into account that they are also not very fat.

In addition, dried fruit slows down the metabolism and therefore it is not recommended to eat them right now.

5. Coffee

Avoid drinking coffee after exercise

Coffee is a dehydrating beverage, so it is not recommended after going through an exercise routine.

Instead,  simply choose to have a bottle of water close  at hand. This way, you will be able to quench your thirst while you hydrate yourself.

Foods that should be eaten after exercise


As noted above, after a routine exercise it is convenient to eat protein.

  • The most suitable proteins for this time of day are those that come from white meat, such as chicken and turkey, as well as fish.
  • Green vegetables  are also recommended because they are an excellent source of protein.
  • Another option would be to opt for legumes, soybeans and seeds.


Banana properties for after exercise

Although it is not recommended to eat foods with high sugar content, such as bananas, after exercise, if you want to eat something sweet then you can opt for a banana.

At least, thanks to the  potassium and carbohydrates present in this fruit you will find a good ally  so that you can indulge in a little whim without being counterproductive.

Potatoes  and  starchy foods

The best accompaniment for your meal after a sports session will be based on starchy foods. Try, for example, eating boiled or roasted potatoes with a little rice.

This way, you will get your digestive system to easily absorb these types of carbohydrates, which  contributes to a better digestion of proteins.

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