Foods That Protect Us From Alzheimer’s

We still don’t know what causes Alzheimer’s. Research tells us that it is associated with the appearance of senile plaques. Learn more here.

Currently, we still do not know the cause of Alzheimer’s. Research tells us that it is associated with the appearance of senile plaques and the loss of a chemical that allows nerve cells to communicate.

So how to prevent brain deterioration? Our daily habits, mental stimulation and a proper diet will allow us to fight its appearance. It pays to know how to apply it.

There are certain foods that reduce cardiovascular risk, that is, their natural components can prevent to a degree the appearance of the dreaded amyloid plaques.

These would be protective foods. Of course this will not prevent us from suffering from Alzheimer’s.

It’s just a matter of maintaining good nutritional habits, a healthy and adequate diet, which we can complement with some correct behavioral and cognitive habits, with which we can exercise our brain, our restlessness and our curiosity as much as possible.

Foods to prevent Alzheimer’s

1. Citrus



Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, strawberries, mangoes, blueberries, etc. they have a wonderful amount of vitamin C and great antioxidant properties.

These components prevent harmful compounds from accumulating in our brain. They are great debuggers and protectors.

2. Curry



Start including it in your recipes, especially yellow curry. It is a delicious spice with a high content of turmeric.

It has very interesting medicinal properties to prevent Alzheimer’s, as it contains anti-inflammatory actions, the influence on platelet aggregation capable of slightly dissolving the blood, thus improving brain irrigation.

3. Wine



Wine has anti-inflammatory properties that prevent inflammation of brain tissue, preventing or reducing the onset of dementias or illnesses.

4. Vitamin D

D vitamin


Excellent vitamin that we can get from sunlight and from some foods. It helps us stimulate the immune system to eliminate beta-amyloid proteins, the ones that cause the brain damage that culminates in Alzheimer’s.

Vitamin D can be found in pharmacies or health food stores, as well as in fatty fish, oysters, soy, eggs and even in cereals enriched with this vitamin.

5. Coffee



Recent research published in the  Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease indicates that caffeine offers protection against the onset of Alzheimer’s,  something that is not seen in other beverages.

Coffee would prevent the accumulation of proteins in the brain that damage neurons, even delaying the disease in those people who are already suffering its first symptoms.

6. Vitamin B

B vitamins, ideal for preventing Alzheimer’s


Consuming vitamin B is essential for our health. It is necessary to have a good level of it to take care of our bones, our hair, our teeth; it is also ideal for preventing premenstrual symptoms.

In addition, consuming vitamin B allows us to lower the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, this harmful element for our brain that causes its deterioration and causes our nerve cells to lose their functionality.

You can find this vitamin in all foods seen in the illustration: nuts, grains, bananas, broccoli, pineapples, peppers, apples, eggs, soy, etc. .

Be sure to include them in your diet.

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