Ginger Beer: Health Benefits

In addition to helping to fight inflammation, thanks to fermented ginger, this beer also brings live cultures that regulate the bacterial flora of the intestine to improve digestive health.

Ginger root has been a medicinal food valued since ancient times due to its high nutritional value and health benefits, but are you familiar with ginger beer? That’s what we want to talk about today.

Ginger is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and is one of the most effective and healthy natural anti-inflammatories  we can find.

Even though its aromatic power and particular flavor have made it a complement to many recipes, it is regularly used as an alternative treatment for many ailments.

And although it is unknown to many,  its active ingredients reduce the risk of heart disease,  muscle pain and other diseases associated with inflammation.

Most interestingly, ginger is a very versatile ingredient, ideal for use in vitamins, infusions and a wide variety of dishes.

In addition, due to its characteristics, it  serves to prepare a therapeutic and natural beer  whose consumption reduces cholesterol, sugar levels and pain.

Do you want to learn how to prepare it?

Ginger beer to control cholesterol and blood sugar


Ginger beer is a natural drink that has gained worldwide fame for its potent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is obtained through a ginger fermentation process,  which allows to concentrate its multiple medicinal qualities.

It is often used as a complement against joint problems, as it  controls the sensation of pain, swelling and fluid retention  in the tissues.

It is also recommended to reduce muscle tension and other types of disorders that cause severe bodily pain.

On the other hand, it should be noted that it contains live cultures, which help  regulate the bacterial flora of the intestine to improve digestive health.

In addition, regular intake helps eliminate excess cholesterol in the arteries and blood glucose levels.

Benefits against cholesterol

blood cholesterol

Ginger contains more than 21 antioxidant substances that  help inhibit lipid peroxidation in the arteries. 

This process is related to the reduction of good cholesterol (HDL) levels and the cell damage that prevents the regulation of bad lipids.

This condiment has an active substance called gingerol; which acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant to reduce hepatic bad cholesterol (LDL) synthesis.

Furthermore, its inclusion in the diet  reduces the accumulation of platelets on arterial walls; facilitating blood flow and preventing obstructive disorders.

Benefits against type 2 diabetes


The chemical compounds in ginger positively stimulate two enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown and metabolism of glucose in the blood.

It also acts on enzymes of inflammation, which  is crucial for stabilizing sugar spikes.

Its consumption also reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome. A condition that increases the risk of suffering from obesity and diabetes.

Furthermore, its natural extracts support the digestive process; which tends to be slower and heavier when blood glucose is very high.

As if that were not enough, it increases the production of a protein called GLUT4; that optimizes the use of sugar by muscle cells.

How to prepare ginger beer?

ginger beer

While the principles of ginger can be harnessed through many formulas and remedies, this homemade beer is one of the most effective ways to use it.

It not only facilitates your daily consumption, but also  concentrates nutrients and helps to enhance all of its properties  and benefits for the body.


  • 1 piece of fresh ginger root (5 cm)
  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar or honey (150 g)
  • 1/2 cup of lemon juice (125 mL)
  • 2 liters of water
  • 1/2 cup fermented ginger (100 g)
  • 1 pinch of sea salt (optional)

Method of preparation

  • First, bring three cups of water to a boil.
  • Once it has boiled, add the grated ginger, sugar (or honey) and sea salt.
  • Then reduce the heat and leave for 5 minutes for the sugar to melt completely.
  • Once ready, add the rest of the water, remove from heat and wait until it cools to room temperature.
  • After a few hours, add the lemon and half a cup of fermented ginger.
  • Once ready, pour the drink into a dark glass bottle and place in a cool place.
  • Leave it to rest for two to three days to get well concentrated.
  • Keep in mind that if left on for too long, it can turn into an alcoholic beverage. 
  • Consume two or three times a week.

Are you excited to prepare it at home? As you can see, this drink is very healthy and can be converted into  an excellent ally for the body.

Its ingredients are economical and can be purchased at any health food store.

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