Hip Wear Symptoms And Prevention

Women tend to suffer more from hip problems. Check out some symptoms below!
Symptoms of wear on the hips and their prevention

Women tend to suffer more from the painful reality of joint wear. Problems such as osteoarthritis and other muscle and bone ailments can greatly affect quality of life. The wear of the hips is also one of the most frequent and dangerous. That’s why it’s worth knowing your symptoms. Stay tuned!

Why do hips wear out?

signs of wear on the hips

Arthrosis of the hip or arthrosis 

  • The first: wear and tear through the passage of time. Appears from 60 or 65 years.
  • The second: secondary arthrosis appears due to local and joint problems due to dislocations. Even poor diet or bone problems. In these cases, wear on the hips may appear from 30 or 35 years old.

Let’s also see what other causes give rise to this torment:

  • : dislocations, some injury and even some ill-healed disease can cause wear on the hip.
  • a: vascular insufficiency is an important disease, its origin is due to specific diseases that can cause arthrosis or dislocations. But the origin in this case is vascular.
  • : Sometimes children come into the world with congenital problems such as fibromuscular dysplasia, growth disorders or other problems.
  •  is something frequent, what is called dissymmetry or inequality in the size of the lower limbs can occur.

Symptoms of wear on the hips

image of a hip


  • Obviously the first symptom of every arthritis problem is pain. Many people think the pain is concentrated in the hips. But in reality, the focus is on the entire groin area and may even extend to the front of the muscle, reaching the knees and buttocks.
  • Sometimes when we move we feel a sudden creak.
  • If your hip hurts, it could also be due to a muscle problem. However, if the pain reaches the groin, it may be due to wear on the hip.
  • In the first phases the discomfort is lighter and appears mainly after a great effort; a long walk, for example. When we rest, the pain disappears.
  • As wear and tear progresses, the pain becomes more intense and it becomes difficult to climb stairs. When crossing the legs, one feels the painful cracks and another characteristic is the pain during the night when moving in bed. What you feel most is the pain in the groin.

How can you prevent hip wear?

Gelatin can help with wear on the hips

If you already suffer from wasted hips, it is best to adapt your life to this reality, because for now there is no cure.

Try to make an effort to maintain a good diet, where there is no shortage of nutrients, practice gentle activities that allow you to improve mobility, but without creating fatigue.

Follow the doctor’s prescriptions without abusing anti-inflammatories or tranquilizers, as they can affect the liver in the long term.

Some recommendations

In the meantime, to prevent wear and tear, if you don’t already have the problem or are only experiencing mild symptoms, you can follow these recommendations:

  • Always maintain the ideal weight.
  • Perform daily that they force you to move your hips, such as walking, running or swimming.
  • Increase the doses of vitamin C, A and D as they help to synthesize collagen. The ideal are citrus, mango, pineapple, carrot, melon, strawberries. As well as vegetables such as watercress, artichokes and garlic. Very good for reducing joint inflammation.
  • As we already know, bone does not regenerate, but cartilage does.
  • It is possible to take magnesium supplements. This is a basic element for our joint health and very suitable for general well-being. Consult health food stores or your doctor for supplements.
  • Drink at least two liters of water a day. It is essential to stay hydrated, as this also hydrates the joints and helps nourish the cartilage. This is worth remembering!
  • There are also those who use vitamin supplements such as glucosamine sulfate, which is very suitable for wear on the hip. It’s a natural way to strengthen this part of the body and our bones and cartilage in general. See your doctor for benefits.

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