Home Remedies For Stuffy Nose

In this article you will find recipes for some effective home remedies to unclog your nose. Check out!
Home remedies for stuffy nose

A stuffy nose can occur due to a cold, a sinus or an allergy.

The fact is that this situation is not pleasant, especially if we are not used to breathing through our mouths. Also, it is not advisable to breathe that way.

Causes of nasal congestion or “stuffy nose”

First, allergic responses clog your nose. It may be that your body establishes this barrier against dust, pollen, aerosols, cigarette smoke, etc.

This immune system response causes the mucous membranes to inflame.

Sudden changes in temperature can also cause nasal congestion. Especially if you go from hot to cold. In winter, being in a very hot environment and going outside without dressing properly is one of the causes.

Non-allergic rhinitis is another cause. Nothing more than an inflammation of the mucous membranes and nasal passages. Secretion, nasal obstruction, itching and sneezing are the symptoms. It may become recurrent or not improve over time.

When we have the flu or the common cold, we undoubtedly get a stuffy nose. This is because the viral infection lodges in the respiratory system, in the upper tract. The answer is the same as with an allergy.

If there is a bacterial infection in the paranasal sinuses, a blocked nose may occur. This can happen mainly at night and after a cold.

A deviated septum can also cause nasal congestion and can occur in one or both of the nasal passages.

Finally, taking certain medications can also cause a blocked nose. Mainly drugs that affect blood circulation, causing inflammation of the mucous membrane.

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Tips to unclog your nose at home

  • Don’t blow your nose. This only makes the situation worse. Use wipes only when you feel a discharge from your nose. If you blow your nose heavily and often, your nasal membranes will inflame even more, creating a kind of vicious circle.
  • Use a saline solution with an aerosol that you can buy at the pharmacy. Or you can apply with a rubber pear (used a lot by those with babies) a solution with half a cup of warm water and 1/4 of a tablespoon of coarse salt.
    • In the bathroom, lean your head over the sink and spray the solution into one of your nostrils. Allow it to drain well and repeat three times a day.
  • You can use shower steam to relieve nasal congestion. Humidity and high temperature will reduce inflammation and you will be able to breathe better. A bath with very hot water is perfect. You can also boil water and salt in a mug and vacuum up the vapors by covering your head with a towel.
    • If you can find it, be sure to buy a vaporizer or humidifier for very dry environments and to improve breathing when you sleep.
  • Put a warm compress on your nose. Lie on your back and soak a cloth with as hot water as you can stand. Then place it around the nose and also wet it under the eyes. The nostrils must be free. When cool, rewet.
    • If you don’t want to sleep, lie back and watch some TV or read a book. At night, sleep on your back, if possible with more pillows so your head is elevated.
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  • Stay hydrated. It is vital because the liquid will make the mucus decrease, facilitating its expulsion as well. The excess water in your body will prevent nasal blockages or irritated ducts. You can also opt for broths, teas or infusions.
  • Use adhesive nose strips. We found it at the pharmacy and they are very economical. Can be used at any time of day. But it’s preferable at night, when you’ll avoid snoring.
  • Eat spicy foods  like chilli or spicy things. A cumin tomato sauce can help. Remember to drink plenty of water during your meal.

Home remedies for stuffy nose

  • Chew three or four basil leaves before breakfast and before bedtime. You can also drink basil tea.
  • Consume two tablespoons of honey regularly to treat the problem of a stuffy nose if it is often too frequent. Dissolve in a glass of warm water and drink it before bed for best results.
  • The apple cider vinegar can also help you improve nasal congestion. Mix two tablespoons in a glass of warm water and drink up to 4 times a day. Also, be sure to season your salads with vinegar.
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  • Dissolve a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger in warm water. Then add lemon juice and honey, so it tastes better, and drink it before bedtime.
  • Mustard oil is very good for this problem. Just put a drop in each nasal cavity. You can also use it to prepare your dishes.
  • Eucalyptus essential oil cannot be lacking in your home if you tend to have many episodes of stuffy nose. Boil a pot of water and add 10 drops of this oil, inhale the vapors for more effective results.
  • Prepare a mixture with two tablespoons of lemon juice, 1/4 of a teaspoon of black pepper powder and a pinch of salt. Apply to nasal passages to relieve congestion.
  • Place an onion cut in half (or four parts) on your nightstand at night. Its aroma will reach the nasal passages directly. Furthermore, it is also an excellent natural antibiotic thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

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