How To Build A Tree House For Kids

Next, we’ll talk about how you can build a tree house for your kids in an easy, safe, and perfectly integrated way with nature.
How to Build a Tree House for Kids

Learn how to build a tree house, one of the dream places of any young person’s childhood. Many children constantly ask their parents to build them, especially when they live in houses with gardens.

This type of construction integrates very well with nature and makes the most of it (the tree serves as a support). They can be as elaborate or simple as we like. Regardless, children always love them a lot.

As we all love to see our kids playing and having fun outdoors, so let’s help you build a tree house for them. 

A tree house consists of a structure that is built on the branches of a tree or close to its trunk. These houses are a new place to play for children (in addition to the spaces they already have inside their homes).

Tips for building a tree house

First step: choosing the tree

How to Build a Tree House for Kids

The tree should be firm, with a broad trunk, strong branches and deep roots. This is the proper structure to support the house we will build.

On the other hand, it is very important to check that she is in good condition, that is, that she has no signs of disease or parasites.

The tree species recommended for these structures are: beech, maple, oak and large spruce. If you don’t know a lot about botany, you  can consult an expert to advise you best according to the tree species that are most common in your area.

When the tree is chosen, we must decide what kind of tree house we want. For this, we are going to prepare a project that, little by little, we will modify according to different factors.

To calculate the diameter, measure the outline of the trunk with a measuring tape. The result is divided by π (3.14) and we will obtain the diameter measurement. You must check the path where the base of our tree house will be placed.

Accurately measure where you need to cut the trunk and branches of the tree. The thickness of the support beams will depend on the size and specific location of the base.

It should be noted that a standard tree house consists of 3×3 meters. This type of structure requires a trunk of at least 30 cm in diameter.

Second step: consult the community and urban planning laws

It is very important that, before starting work, you consult the community and urban planning laws. This way you will know if you need a permit to carry out the work. On the other hand, this will save you trouble with neighbors.

Another important aspect of consulting the laws is that they were established to prevent the aesthetics of urbanization from being harmed. For example, we should keep in mind that our tree house can interfere with the view of our neighbors’ windows, etc.

Third step: the structure of the tree house

Build a tree house for kids

When we have the green light to build our tree house, we should start thinking about the details of the structure. For this, it is very important to take into account environmental factors such as wind. If we don’t create a structure that is firm enough, the wind could cause it to collapse and the house could fall.

The base structure of the tree house

  • Screwed to the tree. At the base, the support beams will be bolted directly to the tree trunk. Keep in mind that it is the method most likely to damage the tree, but we can also reduce this risk by using the appropriate materials.
  • “Floating” house. With the help of cables, ropes or chains, we help the tree house to be suspended on the strongest and highest branches. You must make sure that the type of tree you are using works for this method.
  • With support posts. This method does the least damage to our tree, as the support posts will be attached to the ground, close to the tree, but not attached to it. Leave plenty of space around the base so the tree can swing freely in the wind.

Assembly process, step by step:

When the tree has V-shaped branches, it provides extra solid support for the house and will allow it to have 4 attachment points instead of just 2. Use a drill and, for the 4 attachment points of the opposite branches, drill holes .

For the holes you must use a 10mm drill bit. Make sure the holes are horizontal and at the same height. If the fixing holes are not aligned correctly, the platform may become uneven.

When the beams are fixed, we must place the tie rods at a proportional distance, supported and fixed to the beams. It is convenient to use standard sized pieces of wood  so that we can use galvanized iron brackets and anchors.

The next step is to place the necessary reinforcements to eliminate any possibility of problems, make the cuts and secure them securely and firmly.

Finally, you must make the platform floor, which needs to have a firm surface to do the rest of the work. Also attach the ladder to the platform, the tree and the ground.

Secure the pillars to the corners of the platform floor with metal brackets. Place other pillars at the ends of windows and doors.

Then, place at the top a peripheral beam anchored to each of the pillars and place another one at the height of the lower part of the window. The windows must be placed with brackets to fix the pillars.

Now, for our roof to be 100% waterproof, before fixing the tiles or boards, we must staple a piece of thick plastic fabric to the A-shaped structure.

Use suitable brackets, tensioners, cables or whatever is necessary to secure it. If a branch crosses the treehouse, leave enough space so that the tree’s natural movement does not damage it.

Cut to size and attach the wall cover with nails or screws. Check the remaining gaps and fill in. After a final review, you can start decorating it to your liking.

Treehouse access and security

Another aspect that must be taken into account is the safety of your children when accessing the house. You must provide a secure and robust system. The most common options are:

  • Rope ladder. This is done with a rope and short sticks tied to it until it hits the ground. It can be a different and fun way to enter the house. Remember that a lot of practice is required.
  • Ladder. Take a regular ladder and use it to climb quickly and easily.
  • Fixed ladder. This ladder is the safest as it is anchored in your tree house. If you choose to build a ladder, try putting handrails on the sides for safety.

The main risk of building a tree house is a fall (when the child is playing or distracted). We can take steps to reduce this risk. For example, we can build the house at a height not so high. We can also build a bar or fence around the base and install a soft surface on the ground.

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