How To Clean And Eliminate Toxic Substances From The Intestines?

The consumption of fluids is essential for our body to eliminate toxins. In addition to promoting bowel movement, the combination of pineapple, parsley and strawberry reduces inflammation.
How to clean and eliminate toxic substances from the intestines?

As with the other cleansing organs such as the liver and kidneys, lifestyle, contamination, and poor diet can overwork the intestines in many tasks and cause them to stop functioning properly.

As a result, the intestines will accumulate a large amount of toxins that, over time, can seriously affect our health and manifest in our bodies.

Symptoms such as bad breath, stomach acid, feeling heavy in the stomach, poor digestion, diarrhea, gas and, in some cases, headaches and insomnia may arise.

5 simple tips to clean your bowels at home

In order to clean your bowels at home, it is very important to follow these simple recommendations that will help you to make a healthy and effective cleaning:

  • Increase your water intake: a bowel cleansing can cause dehydration, so it is very important to increase your water intake. Drinking plenty of water will help you stay hydrated and will also help flush out toxins and faecal waste accumulated in these organs. To maximize its effects, it is recommended to drink warm water with lemon.
  • Food: while performing a colon cleansing, the ideal is to undergo a light diet that includes a good amount of vegetables and fruit juices, among other light foods. Overeating should be avoided as this will overload the bowel and interfere with the cleansing process. It is recommended to consume vegetable broths and soups to replenish the body with electrolytes.
  • Vitamins and Supplements: Cleansing the intestines can cause temporary loss of vital nutrients and supplements. If possible, make up for this loss by consuming naturally sourced vitamins and supplements. Increase your intake of vitamin C as it will help to strengthen your immune system.
  • Consume more probiotics: It is very important to consume probiotic foods while doing a colon cleanse, as useful bacteria can be eliminated along with the bad bacteria in the process. Consumption of probiotics can help make up for this loss and deliver good bacteria to the intestines.
  • Detoxification bath: Another thing that can complement the bowel cleansing process is a bath prepared with medicinal herbs and water, which will help eliminate toxins through the skin. Ideally, boil the herbs in water and then wrap yourself in a cloth to inhale the steam for a few minutes.

Juice to cleanse the intestines


This powerful juice is ideal for cleansing the intestines and stimulating the elimination of all the toxins the body doesn’t need.

It is made with strawberry, pineapple and parsley, which are characterized by their depurative and digestive properties, which help to combat constipation, reduce intestinal inflammation, combat flatulence and, in general, help to clean the digestive tract.


  • 1/2 cup of chopped strawberries.
  • 2 slices of chopped pineapple.
  • 1 sprig and chopped parsley.
  • 1 cup of natural or mineral water.

How to prepare?

Put all ingredients in a blender, blend them and serve. The ideal is to consume the juice with breakfast and before main meals.


If you prefer to cleanse your intestines by consuming infusions, we recommend making an artichoke or milk thistle infusion. Both have depurative properties, which stimulate the elimination of toxins and liquids accumulated in the body.

cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper has cleansing properties that can contribute to intestinal cleansing. The ideal is to consume it with natural vitamins and lemon juice, several times a day.


Zaragotone husk ( Plantago psyllium ) and spirulina algae have the power to absorb and eliminate all the toxins that are accumulated in the intestines.

Both form a gel that helps to lubricate the stool and are  ideal for combating constipation, irritable bowel and bowel problems, among others.

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