How To End A Relationship In A Healthy Way

Since breakups are always painful and we won’t forget, it’s important to deal with them as maturely and smoothly as possible.

What is the best way to end a relationship? In certain cases, fights, problems, and differences cause a traumatic breakup. As far as possible, the ideal would be to end the relationship in a mature and healthy way.

Think that when it comes to putting an end to a stage of our life, we should not let the feelings of anger and anger control our behavior and take over the moment, which is already so full of emotions. Below we’ll give you some ideas so that when you need to end a relationship, you can do it in the best way possible.

1. When there is no solution: the final dialogue to end a relationship

The person always knows. When a relationship can no longer be sustained, usually both members of the couple already know. But it always costs a lot to take the next step. It’s hard to imagine yourself without that person. However, it is necessary for the separation to take place at the end.

But why can’t we make up our minds?

  • The fear of telling the other person that we no longer like them or that it is impossible for us to sustain the situation.
  • Fear of being alone. You may be surprised, but there are many people who prefer to remain in an unhappy relationship rather than be alone. It’s an immature attitude, but it’s very common.
  • Insecurity. We don’t know if we’ll be able to expose everything we feel to give the relationship over. There are people, far from being brave, who prefer to end up without any explanation. Nor is it suitable.

To end a relationship in a healthy way it is necessary to talk face to face with your partner and explain the situation to him. You can follow the following tips:

  • Mentally organize yourself   before talking to your partner about all the ideas you want to share. The reasons why you want to end the relationship. You can also think of possible arguments by answering questions asked by your partner. If you’re unsure, better prepare yourself mentally.
  • Express yourself calmly and sincerely. You are aware that the relationship must end, it is already assumed, then express yourself objectively.
  • There is likely to be some discussion. So, be prepared for it and always remain calm, calmly defending your ideas. Show that you know very well what you want, and that it’s best for both of you.

2. Properly control your emotions

Be aware that how you end the relationship will be remembered forever. Therefore, it is necessary for this moment to happen in the best possible way.

If you end the relationship with screaming, scolding, anger and a lot of negative feelings, it will be very difficult for both of you to get over what happened.

You will need more time to accept that anger so that you can calm it down and move on. So, whenever possible, try to make this ending as mellow and smooth as possible. Do it safely.

  • Be aware that the ending is best for both of you. Assuming this fact will bring you calm.
  • Maintain good self-esteem. Know that the breakup is best for you, and make it clear that this relationship is doing more harm than good.
  • Also know that after the breakup you will experience an accumulation of nervous emotions and homesickness. It’s normal. It is normal for tears, sadness and suffering to come. It is part of the process and as such you must accept them. Despite this, the ideal is that there are no feelings of anger or contempt, as otherwise, it will take longer to overcome the separation.
End of Relationship

3. Assume the end of the relationship and move forward as a person

There are many couples who, after having ended their relationship, take a step back and start over. It is clear that each couple is a universe of its own, with its own personal energies and laws.

But if, in your case, you are fully aware that such a relationship is only causing suffering, close this door forever.

  • Ending a relationship is ending a stage of our life. It’s not an ending. It’s a fresh start, and that’s what you should show your partner. If there is only suffering, why continue suffering? It’s time to be brave and start living separately again.
  • You will have to take on a new way of life where many emotions still reside. It’s normal. The ideal is to keep the good times. Focusing only on the bad ones will only fuel anger and frustration and this is not healthy.
  • Think that the past is gone. Save all the good that you lived and keep it. Learn and be proud of yourself. You closed one door, but others will open. You are now wiser because you know what is good and what is not. It’s stronger.

Accept that life is made up of cycles, ending seasons and new paths that appear. People should always seek their own happiness, and if at any time you find someone who wants to follow this path with you, take a risk. Love is always worth it.

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