How To Germinate An Avocado Seed Using Four Toothpicks

To germinate our avocado seed, it is important to keep it in a place that receives light and heat. If the temperature is below 7 °C, keep the plant indoors.

Currently,  avocado is valued as one of the most delicious and complete foods  from a nutritional point of view. What many don’t know is that, from the seed of an avocado, we can germinate it at home with a few simple tricks.

Next, we’ll share a very interesting method that you’ll definitely want to try. Don’t miss it!

What You Need to Know About Avocado

Although for many years avocado was excluded from the diet because it was believed to make you fat, now most people consume it regularly because this food has been shown to provide healthy fats necessary for health and body balance.

Its high protein content, essential fatty acids and antioxidant compounds support all eating plans and contribute to healthy weight loss.

Its cultivation occurs mainly in Central and South America, but it has spread to many other corners of the world  to meet the existing market demand.

How to germinate an avocado tree from the seed?

The avocado seed or pit is the part we commonly throw away when we eat its delicious pulp.

However, it has been shown that important properties are concentrated in the seed, as  it contains 70% of the fruit’s total amino acids, in addition to containing flavonoids, antioxidant substances and fiber.

Because of this, it is not surprising that many are already using it to prepare various types of natural remedies and also to sprout their own avocado tree.

As many people are interested in having their own avocado tree, we want to share the steps to facilitate this process at home.


  • 1 avocado seed.
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml).
  • 4 long toothpicks.
  • 1 vase.

Step 1

To start with, you should remove the seed from the avocado and,  without cutting it, wash all the pulp residue around it.

A good option is to soak it for a few minutes, although you should be careful when doing this because you don’t want to remove the husk from the seed.

Step 2

What to do to germinate an avocado seed?

What we will do next is to  locate the top and bottom of the seed, as the roots will come out from the bottom and the shoots from the top. Keep in mind that the top is a bit pointed.

Step 3

Guidance for germinating an avocado seed

Take the four toothpicks and insert them into the seed in such a way that you can support it over a glass of water. Make sure the bottom is submerged.

Step 4

The glass of water should be transparent so that you can monitor root growth and thus know when it’s time to change the water. Ideally, do this every 5 or 7 days, or a little sooner if you notice that you are very dirty.

Step 5

sprouted avocado seed

About 2 to 4 weeks later, you will notice the first changes in the seed. In the 8th week, the first sprouts will appear. The top will dry completely and a crack will appear.

At the bottom, you can see the roots, which should always be kept in fresh water.

Step 6

To encourage the plant to grow healthily,  cut the stalk when it has grown to between 17 and 20 centimeters.

Reducing it about 9 centimeters will be enough to get this effect.

Step 7

Avocado seed germinated at home

When the stalk reaches 20 centimeters again in length, the plant must be transferred to a pot to continue its growth process.

Remember to leave half the seed uncovered so that the stalk is not affected.

Step 8

As you need the sun,  the most convenient thing is to place the avocado tree in a space where it receives light and heat.

Also, you should water frequently as the soil needs to get a little damp. If you notice that the leaves are starting to turn yellow, stop watering for a few days.

In summer, you can keep this plant in the garden to benefit from the climate. If in winter the temperature drops below 7 °C, place it indoors.

We recommend that you  germinate several seeds, because, for them to bear fruit, at least two are needed for their pollination.

It is essential to be very patient, as this process requires a lot of time, dedication and care.

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