How To Make Homemade Peaches In Syrup?

Accompany your desserts, meats and cookies with a delicious peach in syrup. Next, discover the step-by-step instructions for preparing it at home.
How to make homemade peaches in syrup?

The homemade peach in syrup is a simple and delicious recipe that you can prepare to preserve this fruit. Although peaches can be eaten in their natural form, this method will allow you to have them on hand throughout the year.

You can enjoy the freshness and flavor of this fruit to make desserts and drinks, among other recipes. You can even have it for breakfast or an afternoon snack. Below, we share the recipe step by step with you.

What is important to highlight before starting?

To make recipes in syrup or that involve any other conservation technique, it is essential to take into account the basic hygiene measures not only in preparation, but also in storage. In fact, several articles indicate the risks that exist if preparations made at home are not properly sterilized.

It should be clear that, due to its high sugar content, this recipe is contraindicated for people who have some illnesses, such as diabetes, and for people with insulin resistance.

Also, if you are on a calorie-restricted diet, it is not advisable to consume this dessert very often. According to data from the book of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, canned foods in industrialized syrup provide 22 grams of carbohydrates in every 100 grams of the product, while fruit contains only 9 grams of sugars.

Peach Properties
Keep in mind that peaches in homemade syrup contain more calories than fruit in its natural state. Therefore, your consumption should be moderated.

Peach in homemade syrup

As with jams, syrup recipes have been made since antiquity because they allow you to conserve seasonal fruits and avoid waste. In addition, this way of using food does not include the use of chemical compounds that are usually found in industrialized products.

Also exposed, as well as the fresh fruit, the peach in syrup provides small amounts of vitamin A and C and minerals such as potassium. It also contains carotenes, which give this fruit its orange color.

For this recipe you will need 2 pans; one of them has to be deep because it will be used for cooking. You will also use a wooden spoon, glass jars and, of course, peach and other ingredients.


  • 1.5 kilograms of ripe peach in good condition (approximately 8 small fruits).
  • 250 g of refined sugar.
  • Juice from a lemon.
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Step by step

  • First, take a pot, fill it with cold water and set it aside. After that, wash the peaches, cut them in half and remove the pit. Fill the other pan with water (just enough to cover the fruit) and place the halves inside. Light the fire and simmer for 3 minutes.
  • After this time, remove with a wooden spoon and place the fruits in the pan with cold water. Wait until they cool down a bit; then peel off the peaches with a knife. You can cut them into slices or just leave them cut in half.
  • Then put the sugar in hot water, add lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Stir for 3 minutes and place the fruit in the pan to cook again.
  • Cook, stirring carefully, until the sugar is completely dissolved. After 5 minutes, turn off the heat. Let this preparation rest until it cools.
  • Then transfer the contents to a glass jar and place the mixture in the refrigerator overnight.
  • The next day, put everything back in the pan and bring to a boil. As foam appears on the surface, remove with a slotted spoon and stir from time to time to prevent it from sticking. Cook for 10 minutes.
  • To keep this peach in homemade syrup it is necessary that the glass jars are clean and sterilized.
  • To do this, place them together with their lids in a pan of water (which covers them completely) and boil for 20 minutes. After this time, remove with tweezers and place on a cloth napkin.
  • Now, save the dessert you made. Simply pour the mixture into the jars to keep an inch of edge left. Cover and place upside down. Allow to cool and store in refrigerator. Under refrigeration, it lasts between 2 and 3 weeks.
  • It is recommended that you write down the production date to know for sure when you stored the product.
Peach in homemade syrup
Peach in syrup is ideal to accompany desserts, meats, cakes and many other recipes.

How can you consume peach in homemade syrup?

The result of this recipe is spectacular because it allows you to obtain a sweet and smooth fruit. Furthermore, it is ideal to be consumed as a dessert, alone or combined, for example, with whipped cream or ice cream. Other ideas for taking advantage of it are as follows:

  • To decorate fruit cakes.
  • To accompany a yogurt.
  • As a filling for sponge cake.
  • Combined with cheese or ricotta.

Try making this recipe at home

With this technique, you can keep the peach longer than it would last in its natural state. Furthermore, the result is a good option to eat alone or add to desserts. Of course, be sure to be careful during its preparation to prevent the final product from becoming contaminated.

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