How To Make Low Sugar Citrus Jelly

Homemade citrus fruit jelly is a good way to enjoy the benefits of these fruits. However, jellies often contain a lot of sugar. But we can get a tasty and healthy jelly if, instead of sugar, we add honey or another sweetener.
How to prepare low-sugar citrus fruit jelly

Cutting down on sugar in our diet isn’t easy, but it’s healthy. For this reason, many of us are looking for foods that are low in sugar or substitutes. Yes, besides, low sugar products are homemade and much better. A good example is a delicious citrus fruit jelly that doesn’t need to contain sugar to taste amazing.

In this article we propose two recipes for citrus jelly with honey and stevia.

citrus fruits

add fruit to jellies

The benefits of citrus fruits are widely known. We are all aware of the good that a good orange juice, a lemon juice, some tasty tangerines can do for us…

Citrus fruits belong to the Citrus genus , and these are characteristically acidic. Rich in essential oils, they also have other health benefits :

  • They are a source of vitamins and minerals. In fact, among its minerals, we find calcium, magnesium and iron. On the other hand, they also contain vitamins like vitamin C, A, B1 and B2.
  • Protect the digestive system.
  • They help control cholesterol levels and therefore support cardiovascular health.
  • Help prevent diabetes.
  • They are weight loss allies .
  • Due to their vitamin and mineral content, they strengthen the immune system.

On the other hand, among the best known citrus fruits, we can highlight:

  • The Orange
  • The lemon
  • the grapefruit
  • the file
  • the tangerine
  • the tangerine

Citrus jelly with little sugar

What can be better than starting the day with a good breakfast? If, in addition, we include citrus fruits for breakfast , much better. A delicious way to incorporate them is to prepare a very tasty citrus jelly.

To do this, simply replace the sugar with a healthy sweetener or, much better, with honey . In this way, not only will we reduce our intake of refined sugar, but we will also give our jam the benefits of honey and stevia. Don’t miss it!

Recipe 1. Citrus fruit jelly with honey

Sweeten citrus fruit jelly with honey


  • 2 big oranges
  • 3 or 4 tangerines
  • 200 ml of water
  • 400 g of honey
  • Cinnamon stick


  • First of all, we clean the fruit very well.
  • Then we peel the tangerines and oranges and reserve the orange peel.
  • After that, we cut the fruit into small pieces.
  • Then, in a pan, we add the oranges and tangerines with the orange peel and its juices and pour the water. We bake everything for about an hour.
  • Afterwards, we remove the skins and blend everything in a blender until obtaining a smooth and lump-free texture.
  • Then we put the mixture back in the pan and add the honey and cinnamon. We continue boiling for about 15 minutes. Remember not to move.
  • Finally, we let it cool. Only when the jelly is cold, we can know if it is consistent enough, that is, if it has the right thickness.
  • Finally, we keep the jelly in glass jars and let it cool. Once opened, you should keep them in the fridge.

Recipe 2. Citrus fruit jelly with stevia



  • 1 kilo of oranges
  • juice of a lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of stevia
  • Cinnamon stick


  • First, clean the oranges thoroughly and cut them into small pieces, taking care that there are no white residues or seeds. Reserve the orange peels. Then squeeze the oranges and cook the juice for about 40 minutes over low heat.
  • Meanwhile, squeeze the lemon and mix the juice with the stevia and orange peel.
  • Then add the lemon mixture, stevia and skins to the pan with the orange juice and cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Finally, turn off the heat and mash everything very well in a blender (except the orange peels).
  • Finally, put the jelly in a glass jar.
  • When it’s chilled, the citrus stevia jelly is ready to be enjoyed.

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