How To Quit Smoking With Medicinal Plants And Fruits: Give It A Try!

Today, in our space, we will talk about the best medicinal plants and fruits that can help you stop smoking. Stay tuned!

Quit smoking is not easy. Nobody can do it overnight, and even less if, in addition, great willpower is not included.

We are all sure that miracles of this kind do not exist and, unfortunately, we still do not have an “effective remedy” to keep us away from the tobacco habit or to prevent us from having the withdrawal syndrome.

What we do know is that smoking is bad and smoking kills. However, there are millions and millions of people who continue with this unhealthy addiction, living with a “sword of Damocles” over their heads, waiting for, the least thought out day, the first problem to appear. The first disease.

Therefore, we want to talk about the best medicinal plants and fruits that can help you in this process. But, always remember that the best ally to give up smoking is your willpower.

1. Passionflower to fight withdrawal syndrome and help you quit smoking

Passionflower helps stop smoking

We have talked on several occasions about the benefits of passionflower. You may already know that it can be found in many health food stores and that it is wonderful for alleviating nervousness and fighting anxiety.

Passionflower would be the best medicinal plant to combat the withdrawal syndrome, that is, “it will not help to stop smoking”, but it will prevent, when trying, the usual anxiety, nervousness, bad mood, insomnia, despair… He is a mediator, a good facilitator.

How to take passionflower?

  • Passionflower can be found in health food stores and is available in capsules, tablets, drops or infusion bags.
    The University of Maryland Medical Center (United States) says that, to combat abstinence in adults, you can take between 15 and 30 drops, three times a day.
  • If you want to drink it as an infusion, just put 20 grams of the dried passion flower plant to a boil with a glass of water (200 ml).

2. Licorice, a psychological ally to quit smoking

Licorice helps to stop smoking

The main secret that licorice contains and that can benefit us to stop smoking is glycyrrhizin. It is what gives this unique flavor so strong to the plant, able to improve sore throats and even protect the liver.

Thanks to this natural stimulant and protector, it reduces the anxiety of wanting to have a cigarette in your mouth.

It is a psychological ally capable of reducing the need to smoke. It is, in addition, a good sweetener, a natural anti-inflammatory, an analgesic and an ally to protect the stomach.

However, it must be said that it is not recommended for people with diabetes.

How can I drink licorice?

The best way to benefit from licorice to stop smoking is through an infusion. Make a note of how to do it:


  • 5 g of dried licorice root.
    3 glasses of water (600 ml).


Too easy.

  • First, boil the water.
  • Then add 5 grams of dried licorice root. It is best to use a copper pot, as thanks to this material, the active principles of the licorice root are obtained in a better way.
  • Once prepared, let stand for 10 minutes and pour into a crystal bottle.
  • Drink 3 cups a day, after each meal.
  • You can drink it hot, warm or even cold, however you like.

3. Infusion of ginger and lemon to fight addiction

Ginger and Lemon Mint Help Fight Addiction and Quit Smoking

Ginger is a wonderful medicinal root capable of combating the “lust to smoke”. In addition to acting as a relaxant, anti-inflammatory and natural antibiotic, it has the same virtues as licorice to help fight nicotine addiction.

The root is interesting, mainly for its acidic and strong flavor, as it also allows to accompany it with a little natural juice. The sensation will be even more intense and will act as a powerful natural antioxidant.

In this regard, make a note of how to prepare the infusion.


  • 60 g of grated ginger root.
  • The juice of ½ lemon.
  • 3 glasses of water (600 ml).


First, bring the three glasses of water to a boil and add the ginger root. Then allow to cook for 20 minutes, then lower the heat and let it rest for 10 minutes.

Next step? Add the juice of the half lemon. Finally, drink one cup on an empty stomach and the next two after each meal. It will go down very well.

4. Noni juice to help stop smoking

Noni juice can help stop smoking

Do you know the noni fruit? With the scientific name of morinda citrifolia, also called Indian blackberry, it has a very pleasant taste and offers many health benefits.

For example:  Noni is ideal for deflaming, for treating coughs, for reducing arthritis pain, and also for helping to quit and smoke. We explain how to take it.


  • ½ noni.
  • One glass of water (200 ml).
  • One spoon of honey (20 grams).


This juice will be taken in the morning, right after waking up. In this way, the morning need for that first cigarette is fought. Preparation is simple.

First, put all the ingredients in the mixer and get a very homogeneous juice. Then sweeten it with a spoonful of honey. It’s delicious!

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