How To Strengthen Memory By Practicing 7 Simple Exercises

To improve our memory in a simple way we can learn data such as phone numbers or simply try to remember birthdays or events from the past.

Do you know how to strengthen memory? It is one of the mental skills that allow us to learn, relate to and perform a multitude of activities in everyday life.

It is a complex brain phenomenon that  allows us to store and remember information in the short, medium and long term, facilitating hundreds of tasks.

However, over the years its capacity reduces and, due to the changes that the brain’s activity undergoes, it can deteriorate significantly.

Because of this,  the person begins to have difficulty remembering  and, as time goes by, may miss relevant data and aspects of their life.

The most worrying thing is that  the problem can progress gradually  and, in severe cases, it can develop into diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

That’s why you need to pay attention, maintaining healthy lifestyle habits and practicing exercises that help strengthen your memory.

Discover 7 simple activities that can help you achieve this goal.

Tips to strengthen memory

1. Learn something new

Woman studying to strengthen memory

Learning is a lifelong process and, even if we don’t realize it, it’s one of the best trainings for keeping a strong memory.

This allows the brain to step out of its comfort zone and, in turn,  activates mind functions that tend to go off when there are no challenges to overcome.

Therefore, to prevent the deterioration of this skill, try to pose challenges such as:

  • Learn a new language;
  • Take a new course;
  • Play a musical instrument;
  • Investigate data of interest to you;

2. Memorize simple data

It is not necessary to learn complex data for the mind to activate.

The exercise of memorizing simple things is enough for the brain to strengthen its ability to assimilate and store information.

Try to memorize something new every day:

  • A phone number;
  • An anniversary date;
  • The grocery shopping list;
  • An address;

Also, set one of the days of the week to remember what you ate in the previous days or how your routine was in the days that have passed.

3. Create mind maps

Mind maps are simple activities that challenge the brain  while strengthening the ability to memorize.

Its practice is even recommended to develop spatial intelligence.

  • It consists of drawing a map in the mind, for example, after visiting a new place.
  • On this map we trace the entire route, trying to add all the details that were seen along the way.

4. Memorize using acronyms or acrostics

Hobbies as simple as an acronym or acrostic  can activate the functioning of various areas of the brain  to facilitate the strengthening of memory ability.

  • It’s about strengthening the mind to design an acronym that fits a key word of what you must remember.

5. Use touch

Visual information plays a very important role in the brain’s ability to distinguish between one object and another.

Using touch allows you to identify subtle differences between the elements and, therefore, activates and strengthens brain areas that process important information.

For this reason, adults who lose sight can distinguish Braille letters  as their brain develops more pathways to process touch.

  • A quick exercise is to put coins in a purse and, if you need them, just use touch to determine their value.

6. Work with your non-dominant hand

Have you ever tried to do some everyday activity with your non-dominant hand? Was difficult?

While it’s not as simple as using your dominant hand, it’s a very good exercise to keep your memory strong and active.

Using the opposite side of the brain, as is done with this activity, helps to expand parts of the cerebral cortex  that are in charge of processing information from the touch of the hand.

Try to do this in tasks such as:

  • Write;
  • Brushing teeth;
  • Use the cellphone;
  • Use the spoon;

7. listen to music

Something as simple and welcoming as listening to music can exercise memory and maintain good mental health.

This activity, especially with classical music,  improves brain skills, regardless of the stage of life.

Music stimulates brain cells that allow you to maintain optimal mental concentration, memory and auditory development.

Are you concerned about strengthening your memory? Do you feel that you are having a hard time remembering? Be encouraged to practice the exercises mentioned and be constant to enjoy their benefits.

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