How To Treat Ear Infections?

Heat can help us eliminate the infection. If an otitis is not cured properly, it can cause hearing loss, dizziness and other discomfort.
How to treat ear infections?

Ear pain and infections have a variety of causes. We’ve all suffered from this all-too-frequent problem at least once in our lives. It can occur due to water ingress while bathing or swimming, or particles, insects, infection in the tooth extending into the ear, etc.

In this article we’ll talk more about how to handle this problem.

What to Know About Ear Problems and Infections?

It must be considered that ear problems are more serious when they involve the internal parts, and less dangerous if they are related to external regions.

In addition, if an otitis is not properly cured, it can lead to loss (partial or total) of hearing, dizziness and discomfort when we perform some activities.

  • Otitis externa is characterized by fluid flow, pain, redness, and temporary hearing loss. It is mainly caused by bacteria and, secondly, by viruses and fungi.
  • Otitis media is very common in children, and its symptoms are fever, pain, irritability, partial loss of hearing and lack of appetite. It occurs when the space in the middle of the ear is clogged with fluid and mucus. Some people are susceptible to these types of ear infections and having them becomes chronic.
  • Internal otitis can cause nausea, nausea, dizziness, vomiting and loss of balance. It happens when the innermost part of the ear becomes inflamed, also known as labyrinthitis. It’s uncommon, but its symptoms are intense.
ear infections

Popular Remedies for Treating Ear Infections

  • Fill a thermal bag with hot water and apply to the painful ear, covering it with a cloth. Heat is a powerful pain reliever and also helps blood reach the affected area, working against infection.
  • Wash, chop and grind three large apricots. Heat it in a pan and put it as a poultice over the area that is hurting.
  • Macer some basil leaves and some plantain leaves. Leave everything until it is warm and apply as a poultice to the affected ear.
  • Heat half a tablespoon of olive oil and soak a cotton ball in it. Put it in the ear and let it work for an hour.
  • Cut an onion into slices and mash it. Put it in a tissue and heat it in the microwave. Apply to the affected area like a compress.
  • Warm a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil for a few minutes, add a crushed garlic clove. Let stand until warm and soak a cotton ball, then insert it into the ear hole.

More Remedies for Ear Infections

  • Heat two portions of rice and place in a canvas bag or wrap in a cloth. Place on the cushion and support your ear.
  • In a clean, dry glass jar, place seven drops of olive oil and the contents of one vitamin E capsule. Then add two crushed garlic cloves and mix well, stirring. Heat the mixture with the closed bottle in a bain-marie for one minute. Filter and put a few drops in the ear when the liquid is warm. It is not advisable to use this remedy in cases of a perforated eardrum or in cases where pus is coming out of the ear.
  • Boil two tablespoons of absinthe in a liter of water for ten minutes. Bring the ear to the container so that the mixture’s vapors enter the orifice.
  • Place two tablespoons of rue in half a cup of boiling water. Allow to cool keeping it covered. Wet a cotton ball and place it in the ear entrance.
  • Squeeze a lemon and soak a cotton ball in its juice. Gently place in the ear entrance (without pushing too much) and let it work for ten minutes before bed. This remedy is good when the pain is caused by an accumulation of wax.
  • Mash ten chamomile flowers with four tablespoons of olive oil for two days. Apply to ear with a cotton pad. It’s also good for earache caused by too much wax.

Alternatives to Ear Infections

  • Heat two tablespoons of almond oil and let it cool to room temperature. Apply two drops to the ear canal and cover with cotton to protect.
  • Boil some oregano leaves in half a cup of water for three minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. Strain and place in an eyedropper. Apply three drops to the painful ear (but only if the eardrum is not perforated).

  • Bake a potato and wrap it in a cloth. Apply as a compress to the ear, as hot as you can stand.
  • Boil half a cup of water with a little rock salt. Wet a cloth and apply over the ear.
  • Grate a radish and heat it. Wrap it in a thin cotton handkerchief and place it over the ear. Let it act until it cools.
  • Apply three or four drops of aloe gel to the ear canal and leave the head aside for a few minutes. This remedy is also contraindicated for cases of perforated eardrum.
  • Crush some chard leaves and extract their juice. Use an eyedropper and apply four drops to the ear.

Recommendations for Avoiding Pain and Ear Infections

  • Avoid using cotton swabs to clean your ear;
  • Take care of throat infections;
  • Boost the immune system;
  • Avoid sharing built-in headphones;
  • Avoid swimming in lakes, rivers and ponds;
  • Avoid diving in pools with too much chlorine;
  • Do not introduce foreign objects into your ears;
  • Sleep on your side to facilitate drainage.

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