How To Treat Urinary Tract Infections Using Grapefruit Seeds

Grapefruit seeds have bactericidal properties that can help us fight urinary tract infections.
How to Treat Urinary Tract Infections Using Grapefruit Seeds

Many wonder how to treat urinary tract infections, which are particularly common in women. These conditions cause uncomfortable and painful symptoms that can interrupt all activities of the day when left unchecked.

Antibiotics are the most common medications to kill the microorganisms that cause them. Also, they are often the most effective. The type of medication and duration of treatment will depend on your symptoms and the patient’s history.

In any case, it is essential to  follow your doctor’s advice and not self-medicate.

In addition, we have some natural substances that can help us relieve pain and enhance the effect of the antibiotic. However, we recommend that you consult your doctor before consuming them, as there are several medications for urinary infections and they can interact with certain compounds present in food.

Today we are going to talk about one of these foods: grapefruit seeds. Check out!

Grapefruit Seed Properties

Grapefruit Seed Properties

Grapefruit seeds, or rather their extract, are one of those natural remedies that can be helpful in cases of infection.

It is a liquid obtained from this subtropical fruit that is usually found in any market.

By tradition, it is part of different cultures around the world, which have used its disinfectant properties for various uses in the home, cleaning the skin and hair.

Some studies suggest that, thanks to their antibacterial properties, grapefruit seeds may be beneficial in killing bacteria that infect our urinary tract.

Additionally, these seeds have large amounts of antioxidant compounds that can help us fight free radicals.

They also provide naringenin, an antioxidant substance that, according to some research, would help fight cell aging.

Thanks to its content of hesperidin, a flavonoid, it is believed that it can help strengthen the body’s defenses, making it more resistant to attack by microorganisms. However, more research is still needed to understand how this mechanism works.

Other virtues worth mentioning include:

  • High in vitamin C, sterols, tocopherols, citric acid and other minerals.
  • Anticancer properties in the form of bioactive elements.
  • Prevention of Candida and other types of fungi.

Urinary Tract Infections and Grapefruit Seeds

Woman undergoing urinary tract infection

The results of the aforementioned study using grapefruit seed extract to treat urinary tract infections were very positive.

Research has shown that it is very effective in fighting bacteria that cause these types of conditions.

Furthermore, this extract can also inhibit bacterial growth, which is one of the reasons why the infection spreads.

A great natural adjuvant

To fight and prevent the disease, it is advisable to take the extract every day for two weeks straight. This can help us improve the action of the medication we are taking to clear the infection more quickly.

However, it is important that, before including it in the diet, you consult your doctor. Several studies show that grapefruit can interact with various medications, preventing its absorption, which can be dangerous. So be sure to talk to a professional.

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