Hydrogen Peroxide In Cleaning Your Home: How To Use

Hydrogen peroxide has the ability to eliminate germs thanks to an oxidation process. Therefore, it is one of the best natural disinfectants to carry out various cleaning tasks in your home.
Hydrogen peroxide for cleaning your home: how to use it

The trend to use natural products for household cleaning is increasingly popular. Therefore, it is convenient to know the various ways to use hydrogen peroxide for cleaning. This ingredient, also called hydrogen peroxide, stands out for its disinfectant action.

Although it is commonly used in the treatment of superficial wounds, it is also an agent that eliminates microbes from various surfaces. In fact, it replaces some chemical antibacterials sold on the market. In addition, it is very economical and is usually in almost everyone’s closet.

Above all, it is very safe to use and, unlike other cleaning products, it does not negatively affect the environment. The following, we want to share their most popular applications in household chores, so you do not hesitate to take advantage of them.

How to use hydrogen peroxide in house cleaning?

Hydrogen peroxide has stood out as a cleaning alternative due to its germicidal components. Due to its composition, it has the ability to kill some harmful microorganisms through oxidation, that is, through a “controlled burning”.

In most cases, the one that comes with 3% is used, which is usually sold in pharmacies and supermarkets. So, without further ado, let’s see in detail what its uses are.

1. Cleaning the bathroom

How to use hydrogen peroxide in bathroom cleaning

One of the most interesting ways to use hydrogen peroxide for cleaning is toilet disinfection. As many assume, its surface is often a hotbed of bacteria, mold, and other microorganisms that can be infectious.

How to use it?

  • Pour the hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle, and spray it all over the walls of the toilet.
  • Scrub the vase with a clean sponge, and rinse off the residue.
  • Use at least 3 times a week.

2. Cutting boards

Kitchen cutting boards are turning into a hotbed of germs like Salmonella. Due to the moisture retained by the wood , it becomes a suitable environment for fungi. Fortunately, it can be cleaned effectively with a little hydrogen peroxide.

How to use it?

  • Clean food residues from the board with soap and water.
  • Then spray with hydrogen peroxide and let it dry.

3. Refrigerator

The inside of the refrigerator accumulates food residues, germs, and fungi that cause unpleasant odors. Due to its disinfectant action, this ingredient is ideal to complement your cleaning, without so many complications.

How to use it?

  • Store hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle, and apply to dirty parts of the refrigerator.
  • Leave it for 5 minutes, and wipe it off with a damp cloth.

4. Kitchen and bathroom sponges

Cleaning sponges with hydrogen peroxide

Though not visible to the naked eye, kitchen and bathroom sponges are a powerful source of harmful germs. Because they retain water, food residues, or dead cells, they facilitate the proliferation of bacteria and fungi. Disinfect them with hydrogen peroxide!

How to use it?

  • First, combine the product in equal parts with hot water.
  • Then dip the sponges.
  • Finally, leave for at least an hour, rinse and air dry.

5. Whiten clothes

There are many ways to use hydrogen peroxide when cleaning clothes. For example, thanks to its whitening action, it is an excellent solution to remove sweat or wine stains from white clothes.

How to use it?

  • Rub some hydrogen peroxide on the stain.
  • Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse.
  • If desired, add the product in the washing machine compartment.

The growth of mites in the home is one of the main triggers for respiratory and skin allergies. Although these cannot be seen, they are present in rugs, bedrooms, or pet beds. Fortunately, a little hydrogen peroxide is the solution.

How to use it?

  • First, pour the product into a spray bottle, and spray it on surfaces that you are suspicious of.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes, then wipe with a cloth.

6. Clean windows

Window cleaning with hydrogen peroxide


Now, if glass surfaces, including windows, look dirty and opaque, restore their shine and cleanliness with a little hydrogen peroxide. Thanks to its components, it can remove any residue of dust or fingerprints in a matter of seconds.

How to use it?

  • First, sprinkle the liquid onto the glass and rub it with a ball of newspaper.
  • Repeat the action if deemed necessary.

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