Hypothyroidism: 6 Keys To A Healthy And Proper Breakfast

To improve hypothyroidism problems, nothing better than starting the day with a good content of iodine from natural sources such as blueberries or oats.

Living with hypothyroidism is not easy. Despite being a disease that responds well to proper medical treatment, there is something that all patients know very well: it is necessary to change eating habits.

Any change in our thyroid gland develops a series of changes in our body that will force us to establish new routines, and of course, to eat healthier.

In the case of hypothyroidism, what happens is that there is a deficit of the thyroid hormone  and this causes, little by little, the organic activity that affects the metabolic, neuronal, cardiocirculatory and digestive functions to change.

We gain weight, our hair loses strength, we feel tired, our internal temperature varies … These are changes that often have a major impact on many people.

However, as long as we follow this pharmacological treatment, which eating strategies would be ideal? Below, we offer 5 guidelines for your breakfast. Check out!

1. Say yes to natural drinks to treat hypothyroidism

A first aspect that nutritionists clarify for us regarding hypothyroidism is that we must maintain a balanced diet.

That is, we know, for example, that  increasing the dose of iodine will regulate our thyroid gland  when it is working at a very low level.

Now, it is absolutely not a question of excessively consuming foods that have this mineral. There is no need to commit excesses or go to extremes.

  • One thing to also remember is that coffee, like tea or soy, is not very healthy for hypothyroidism. Even if not really, we’re going to exclude them from our diet forever.

We can take them occasionally, but not several times a day.

  • We are also aware that starting the day without a good cup of coffee can be traumatic. However, it’s okay if we only have one cup three times a week.
 What we must take care of in our diet is to benefit from fresh fruits and vegetables. So, make a note of which natural drinks you like to include in your breakfasts:
  • Natural carrot juice;
  • Natural apple juice;
  • Cucumber, lemon and spirulina vitamin.

2. the garlic

Garlic is very suitable for regulating our thyroid and treating hypothyroidism. It helps because it is rich in iodine and selenium, two essential minerals in this type of disease.

It will speed up metabolism and improve many of our basic processes. We recommend that you consume it as follows:

  • Grease two garlic cloves on whole-wheat toast.
  • In addition, you can also prepare a tasty tortilla with garlic, as eggs are also very suitable for hypothyroidism.

3. Oat flakes

You can eat oats along with a piece of apple, with kiwi fruit, strawberries or peaches.

  • Its digestive action will allow us, on the other hand, to  regulate intestinal transit, a common problem in cases of hypothyroidism.
  • On the other hand, its iodine content will help us regulate metabolic as well as hormonal functions.
  • Also, let’s not forget that oats improve our mood, regulate bad cholesterol or LDL, and are very satiating.

Don’t hesitate to include oats in your breakfast!

4. Whole grains with nuts

Whole grains provide us with nutrients, fiber and minerals very suitable for hypothyroidism.

  • In addition, they allow us to regulate blood sugar balance and control appetite.
  • Whole grains are key to increasing our iodine levels. If, in addition, we add nuts and a little fruit to our bowl, we will have a complete and tasty breakfast.

5. Natural organic yogurt

Natural organic yogurt for hypothyroidism

If you have no lactose intolerance, plain yogurt is a sensational proposition for your breakfasts, as it  is a natural probiotic very rich in iodine.

Look for an organic one. However, if you know how to do it yourself, it will be much more beneficial.

5. Blueberries

Did you know? Blueberries are nature’s treasures, rich in antioxidants which, in addition, appear to be a very powerful source of iodine.

  • Try to consume them in your season. If you combine them with plain yogurt or a good cup of oatmeal, you will have another sensational breakfast option.

To conclude, one way to start the day right is to take  care of our thyroid gland through breakfast. These options we suggest will be very beneficial in cases of hypothyroidism.

However,  also consider that physical activity increases metabolic activity.

So, if you have time, after a good breakfast there is nothing better than going for a walk or doing yoga. Certain postures activate the thyroid by compressing, flexing and stimulating the region where this gland is located.

In short, this is worth taking into account!

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