I Will Travel To That Star With You Or Without You

Although our relationship is perfect, I can’t depend on you entirely, because, with you or without you, I have to be able to go on with my life the same way.
I will travel to that star with you or without you

When we talk about relationships , we immediately think of a set of two people. However, we forget that these two people are independent. Because we can live the same way with someone or without anyone.

It doesn’t sound romantic, but you don’t have to be with someone to be happy. I can be with you or without you and my degree of happiness doesn’t need to change.

Because  I choose to be with you, not depend on you. Because I don’t need you to be happy, I can be without you. But above all, because I choose not to have you, but to give you wings so that I can fly in search of your own happiness.

together and angry

Woman who doesn't want to be without her boyfriend

Surely we can all get an idea of ​​all those couples who, once they start their relationship, do everything together. They meet each other’s friends, they share everything, even pastimes that were previously individual.

The only problem in all this is that, over time, one starts saying  “I feel overwhelmed”“I realize I have no space”“I can’t do anything alone”.

This situation is natural given that we all need our own space in which our partner is not present. Because, no matter how much we love, it’s not necessary for us to become a unique human being.

Also, the people who make up a relationship have different tastes and hobbies. Sharing them to see if they can like each other is not a necessity.

Of course it is important and necessary to have things in common. But doing everything, absolutely everything together, and wanting to have the same hobbies and tastes in everything is a difficult expectation to achieve.

Therefore, it is important that in a couple, even if the members share the same path, they never feel like one person and maintain their individuality.

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Without you Im nothing

man leaving woman

When I let go of my individuality and think that my partner and I are one, I don’t even consider whether it’s with you or without you, because I believe that without you I don’t exist. Hill.

This kind of thinking often resembles these people who suffer from emotional dependence. Although the love of a couple in itself and the way we conceive it favors a dependency on the other person.

We have to keep pursuing our dreams, we have to keep doing things we like, even if our partner doesn’t share them.

We have to remain individual even if we share our life with someone else. Because we are different, but we choose to share our life. To join us, not to subtract us.

sad woman running out of boyfriend

If I depend on my partner, if I believe that without him I am nothing, my partner is not encouraging me. Instead of making me grow, it crushes me.

So, with you or without you, I have to do what I want, what I like and what will allow me to develop and grow as a person. Because limiting ourselves by having a partner is a real shame.

With you or without you I will continue to grow

lonely woman looking at the sea

Nothing happens if one day a job offer in another country invites us to separate. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to come with me for whatever reason. With you or without you, I have to pursue my dreams  and what I like.

There will be many difficulties throughout our relationship, but none of them will let me give up. Because if I stop being me and you become the meaning of my life, what will happen if one day love ends?

I will be lost, I will not know who I am, and recovering will be hard work. A job that shouldn’t be done.

All of this doesn’t mean that I don’t take you into account or that the relationship doesn’t interest me. What I mean is that I will continue to be me, even if I am with you.

I will not stop doing what I like, I will  not pass up opportunities just because I am with you. If I become small, I won’t grow, I won’t continue, I’ll stagnate and die.

Although we were raised in unrealistic love, full of pain because we are dependent on each other and where it seems that couples should be forced to become one person, we have to fight for ourselves to maintain our individuality.

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