Is Vitamin D The Key To Muscle Function?

If you want to improve all of your body’s muscle function, vitamin D may be the key. We will explain here how it works.
Is Vitamin D the Key to Muscle Function?

Have you ever felt that your body was not responding the way you would like while doing some physical activity? Maybe it’s time to optimize muscle function. But how? Are there any specific vitamins that might be helpful?

Next, we’ll explain why  vitamin D is the key to muscle function. This way, you might be encouraged to ask your doctor if it would be convenient for you to take a supplement of this nutrient to improve your health and quality of life.

Muscle functioning and vitamin D

Do you want to improve your muscle functioning? In this case, it may be necessary to make some changes to your training routine and your diet, in addition to reviewing other indicators; it may even be necessary to supply certain nutrients to the body.

In a  study conducted by the University of Birmingham, it was determined that increasing  vitamin D levels can improve muscle function.

For this reason, it is considered that this vitamin favors the development of strength and muscle power in a positive way, being an essential nutrient for this tissue.

The key to vitamin D

Vitamin D

This work was based on previous findings on the  relationship between inactive vitamin D levels and body composition.

Participants’ active and inactive vitamin D levels were measured. Some of their physical characteristics, such as lean mass and body fat, were also recorded.

However, scientists claim that  the appearance of active vitamin D is not related to body fat. However, it would be related to lean mass.

the lean mass

In addition, the following also stood out: People with an increase in muscle mass and lean mass enjoy a higher level of active vitamin D in their bloodstream.

In this sense, one of the authors of this study explained that there is a probability that body fat is associated with high levels of inactive vitamin D. He also noted that  lean body mass is the “key” to high levels of this nutrient.

More studies are needed

It is essential to understand the “big picture and causal mechanisms” analyzed in its entirety. All with the purpose of helping to “design” future studies that will help answer questions about the ideal levels of vitamin D needed to have healthy muscles.

Vitamin D and muscle function

Vitamin D

study published in  The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition  concluded that  a continual deficiency of vitamin D generates  muscle weakness. On the other hand, in older people, the levels of this vitamin decrease over time.

However, this research showed that  this muscle weakness improved with the use of vitamin D supplements. In fact, it is essential for bones to properly absorb calcium and reduce the formation of body fat.

In addition, supplements of this nutrient may be related to:

a good immune system

Vitamin D is essential for defenses. It helps to activate immune cells quickly and effectively. So, if we tend to get sick easily, we shouldn’t forget about this nutrient. Our quality of life and our health will improve.

Healthy teeth and bones

Do you have cavities or osteoporosis? Having good levels of this micronutrient  will help you have healthy teeth and bones, as well as strong and resistant.

Vitamin D is responsible for allowing calcium to be absorbed into the bones, which is essential for maintaining bone consistency over the years. This also protects against injuries and fractures.

a good nervous system

Calcium is one of the most relevant minerals for the human body. Having the right level of it will decrease the likelihood of suffering from bone problems.

It is also necessary for the proper transmission of certain nerve stimuli. Therefore, this is an essential nutrient for nervous balance.

Proper muscle functioning

As seen in the previous lines, this vitamin is the key to proper muscle function. Through a balanced diet, physical training and adequate sun exposure,  you will be able to maintain the levels of this micronutrient in the body.

In this way, you will reduce the risk of suffering serious injuries or fractures; in particular, you will reduce muscle pain; you will also increase your strength, speed and stamina during any physical activity you do.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Deficiency of this vitamin in the body has become a phenomenon that increases every day on a global level. It’s all  due to sedentary lifestyle, aging, poorly balanced diets and low sun exposure.

This vitamin deficiency may be associated with the following detrimental effects on health and muscle function:

  • Arthritis.
  • Fractures.
  • Diabetes.
  • Muscle aches.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Injuries in athletes.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Bowel and colon cancer.

Take care of your vitamin D levels

Vitamin D

Remember that sun exposure and a balanced diet help keep vitamin D levels at optimal levels. Its deficiency can cause health problems.

Before taking any supplement of this nutrient, look for a specialist so that he can supervise you and make sure that there really is a problem. Thus, you will ensure the care of your body and your muscle function will be optimal.

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