Lactose-free Banana And Chia Pudding To Stimulate Your Digestion

Let’s introduce a suitable dessert recipe to include in your diet if your goal is to stimulate digestion. Don’t miss it!
Lactose-free banana and chia pudding to stimulate your digestion

There are people who have a lot of trouble finding a method that works to stimulate digestion. Thus, they feel a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, gas or other discomfort associated with this condition.

There is a delicious recipe that can help us alleviate this problem: lactose-free banana chia pudding.

In that sense, to know what we’re talking about, you need to understand how your digestive system actually works and why.

How does the digestive system work?

The first thing you need to keep in mind is that, in order to stimulate your digestion, you must know what your metabolism type is. They are intertwined concepts and deeply associated with one another.

As an example, gluten is a substance present in many ingredients. In fact, some people are intolerant to this element (as well as lactose). This makes the digestion process a problem.

Of course, it is necessary to reduce or eliminate the consumption of these ingredients. Basically, you can replace them with other types of foods that are helpful in stimulating your digestion properly.

In this space, we want to present a dessert that is traditionally prepared with high levels of lactose and gluten to face problems related to poor digestion.

Why is it important that it does not contain lactose?

Because this is a compound present in dairy products that, in people with intolerance or high sensitivity to this element, can create serious stomach and digestion problems.

chopped bananas

However, if you do not suffer from intolerance to this sugar, you can perfectly well include it in your diet.

According to an article published in Nutrients magazine , there is a wide variety of lactose-free products in the supermarket to meet the needs of consumers who are hypersensitive to this substance.

On the other hand, the properties of bananas, full of potassium and vitamins, and the benefits of chia seeds are opportune arguments to stimulate your digestion.

Banana and chia pudding to stimulate digestion

We choose them mainly for the nutritional and stimulating elements of the microbiota or intestinal flora  that these two ingredients have. On the one hand, bananas are one of the most versatile fruits that exist and have the best natural sugar levels (fructose, for example) within the plant kingdom.

In addition, chia seeds have the ability to speed up metabolism and, over time, normalize your evacuation rate and stimulate digestion.

Thus, the heavy stomach, the feeling of irritability and the gastrointestinal pain processes are reduced (and even eliminated) by including this dessert in the diet.

Remember, we’re talking about a fiber-rich option. This nutrient also helps improve digestion and reduce problems associated with constipation, as stated in an article published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics .


  • 4 bananas.
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon (optional) (15 g).
  • 1 cup coconut milk (250 ml).
  • 6 tablespoons of chia seeds (90 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract (30 ml).


  • The first thing you should keep in mind, even if it sounds weird, is that you won’t need a mixer, a blender or anything like that.
  • The preparation is completely handcrafted and very methodical with the step by step. It’s important to note this point and not try to make changes.
  • Add the coconut milk to a medium bowl and let it sit without doing anything else.
  • Then add the chia seeds to the container of coconut milk. Stir with a spatula and let stand for 5 minutes along with the vanilla extract.
  • Now, mash the bananas until it forms a very homogeneous puree. When we refer to being a methodical recipe, we are talking about that specific step.
  • If you find seeds in bananas, do not delete them from the recipe.
  • Once the puree mixture is ready, just add it to the coconut milk.
  • Finally, garnish (optional) with a little cinnamon and you’re done. You can put it in the fridge and consume it when it’s cold.

Banana Chia Pudding: A Recipe to Stimulate Digestion

Include this recipe in your routines to help stimulate your digestion. However, don’t forget that if you suffer from intestinal transit problems, you will see benefits from a high fiber diet and the presence of fresh food. Reduce your consumption of processed foods to reduce the risk of digestive disorders.

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