Learn How To Make Delicious Banana Pancakes

Having alternatives when eating breakfast is essential to avoid getting bored with the diet and to be able to consume the best nutrients the body needs. So, learn in a simple way how to prepare delicious banana pancakes.
Learn how to prepare delicious banana pancakes

Discover today an ideal recipe to start the day with a lot of energy and fill your stomach with the best flavor of delicious banana pancakes. Furthermore, they are simple to make, homemade and essential.

Breakfast is perhaps the most basic, important and ideal meal of the day. Through this meal, the body obtains the nutrients it needs to function correctly for the rest of the day.

Nutritional value of banana pancakes

First, among the nutrients provided by these pancakes, you can find carbohydrates. Now, there is a widespread myth about the nature of carbohydrates,  especially about some ingredients.

This is the case of condensed milk, eggs and cow’s milk in any of their presentations. On many occasions, they are presented as harmful, negative or not recommended foods for human consumption.

However, this is not entirely correct. It’s true that certain types of carbohydrates consumed in excessive amounts can be unhealthy. However, this is not the case with these delicious banana pancakes, which will provide:

  • Healthy fats.
  • Natural and artificial sugars.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals, especially potassium.

On the other hand, these delicious pancakes are also part of the recipes that children can learn at home. Sometimes they can prepare them on their own in the future. So don’t worry, this recipe is very simple. Ready to get started?

Learn How You Can Make Delicious Banana Pancakes

Many pancakes with banana


  • 2 eggs.
  • 1 cup of milk (250 ml).
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour (120 g).
  • 3 tablespoons of butter (60 g).
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Method of preparation

  • First, take  a medium, deep, plastic bowl if possible.
  • Then place the dry ingredients into the bowl and mix them together.
  • Then, little by little, pour in the liquid milk, the pinch of salt and the eggs. Do it one by one.
  • Afterwards, with an electric mixer, start to mix the ingredients until forming a homogeneous mass without lumps.
  • Then, in a non-stick skillet, place 2 tablespoons of butter and allow it to heat up.
  • Then pour the mixture into the hot skillet and let it cook for about 2 minutes on each side.
  • Finally, repeat the process until you are done with all the mixture and you’re done. Now wait for the stuffing and sauce for the delicious banana pancakes.

Stuffing for banana pancakes

These delicious banana pancakes can only be improved  with a simple preparation: a filling based on delicious condensed milk and cornstarch. So, get to know the ingredients needed for this delicious recipe.


  • 2 cups of milk  (500 ml)
  • 1 can of condensed milk (350 g)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 spoons of cornstarch (30 g)
  • 1 scoop of vanilla extract (15 ml)
  • 4 ripe bananas (600 g)

Method of preparation

  • First, beat the following ingredients: condensed milk, milk, eggs and cornstarch. Mix them in a medium saucepan until well blended.
  • For best results, you can use the same mixer you used for the pancakes.
  • Then turn on the stove, turn the flame to the minimum and start to heat the mixture, while mixing, at a somewhat slow pace.
  • Then bring it to a boil and then turn off the heat.
  • Now, you will have to  beat for an interval of 5 minutes in a row  at a constant but gentle rhythm, until it acquires thickness.
  • Finally, add the banana extract, sliced ​​bananas and you’re done.

Chocolate icing for banana pancakes

Pancakes with Nutella


  • 1 dark chocolate tablet (120 g)
  • 1 can of liquid cream (240 g)
  • 2 spoons of sugar (30 g)

Method of preparation

  • First, place a small pot over a very low heat.
  • Then place the can of liquid cream together with the dark chocolate tablet. Then start mixing little by little.
  • Therefore,  depending on the thickness you prefer, you can add a little or no extra milk.
  • Afterwards, add the spoons of sugar and, as soon as you reach the desired consistency, turn off the heat and set aside.
  • Finally, let it cool a bit before tossing over the banana pancakes.

Excited to taste this appetizing candy? Remember that you can eat it without remorse, as it will bring you lots of nutrients and a great deal of energy.

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