Leek Medicine To Cleanse The Body And Lose Weight

Leeks have diuretic properties and help us eliminate toxins. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as soluble and insoluble fiber, and therefore favors intestinal transit.
Medicine with leek to cleanse the body and lose weight

This simple leek remedy will help to complement your slimming diet and cleanse your system. It’s fabulous.

The vegetable we want to talk about today has a much milder flavor than onion and is ideal for many of the dishes we make in our daily lives. Leek is known for its great detoxifying power.

What you may not know so far is that, since ancient times, leeks have been considered an ally of women’s health.

We have ancient texts from Greece and Rome where it was mentioned that it promoted fertility and that, in addition, it took care of the health of a woman’s heart, while fighting fungus and fatigue.

Today, in our space, we want to show you how you can prepare a natural remedy with leeks to clean out toxins and also facilitate healthy weight loss.

Certainly this information will be very useful for you. So, let’s try it out?

Leeks to take care of your health

Leeks belong to the Alliaceae family , that is, they are bulbous plants such as garlic and onion. It is characterized by a much sweeter taste than the latter and has a lot of versatility in the kitchen.

We’ve already talked a few times about the benefits of consuming carrots, beets, garlic, lemons… Well, it’s time to recommend including this exceptional vegetable in your diet for all these reasons:

Leek to cleanse the organism

Leeks, a source of nutrients

  • It fights inflammation and free radicals, because it contains flavonoids, a powerful antioxidant.
  • In addition, it is a source of vitamin A and vitamin C, suitable for debugging the body, fighting inflammation and alkalizing our body.
  • It contains few calories, making it an exceptional food when we want to lose weight (about 100g of fresh stalks contains approximately 61 calories).
  • It has a very recommendable amount of soluble and insoluble fibers.  So, if consumed regularly, it also helps prevent uncomfortable constipation.
  • In turn, this vegetable is a very rich source of vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, iron, potassium and magnesium, essential for health.
  • Its high content of folic acid makes it very interesting, for example, for pregnant women.

Leek is a natural antibiotic

  • Leek does not contain as much allicin as garlic, but it is also a natural antibiotic.
  • There are studies that explain that, thanks to allicin, present in garlic and leeks, we can reduce the formation of cholesterol through the inhibition of certain enzymes that accumulate in excess in the liver. It is very healthy!

Favors heart health

Our simple leek remedy will allow you to take care of your cardiovascular health.  Because its regular consumption favors the release of nitric acid (NO) in the blood vessel walls.

Thanks to this, we improve blood circulation and fight clot formation.

Leek to cleanse the organism

This vegetable is composed of a large percentage of water, is a diuretic and helps to eliminate toxins. In fact, it is well known for its high debugging power. This is worth keeping in mind.

How to prepare our leek medicine

leek infusion


  • 3 leeks
  • 1 liter of water
  • The juice of 1 lemon


  • For our cleansing and slimming remedy we will need 3 very large, clean leeks and a lemon. If you’ve ever prepared the artichoke depurative remedy, it’s worth saying that this one is very similar.
  • The first step is to fill our pot with the liter of water and heat it. Once it’s boiling, add the 3 leeks so they can start cooking.
  • Once ready, just remove them from the water and keep the liquid obtained from cooking.
  • We will take our leek water to a glass bottle, where we will add the lemon juice.
  • On the other hand, boiled leeks can be used to prepare, for example, a delicious soup for dinner.

How to take my leek medicine

  • We will have a first cup on an empty stomach, right after we get up in the morning. It is recommended that we drink the tea very warm. In this way, we accelerate the metabolism and enhance the depurative virtues of this natural drink.
  • The second cup should be taken 15 minutes before the main meal of the day.
  • Remember to have another cup in the late afternoon and finally a last 15 minutes before dinner.

You can follow this cleansing and slimming remedy for 10 days straight. It is recommended to accompany him on a low-fat diet and do some form of exercise. The results are remarkable, and your health will only thank you.

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