Maintaining A Balanced Diet: The Key To A Healthy Body

In addition to following a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, meat and fish, it is also very important not to forget about proper hydration.
Maintaining a balanced diet: the key to a healthy body

Eating habits can vary from person to person, depending on age, metabolism and health status. While there are certain generalities that must be respected, it  is essential to take these individual factors into account to maintain a balanced diet.

For many years, it was believed that it was necessary to “eliminate” certain food groups from the diet to maintain a healthy and balanced weight. However, this belief collapsed and today it is known that eating a little of everything is essential.

The problem is that  many continue to underestimate what they eat  and, despite warnings, continue to consume products that do not provide the essential nutrients required by the body.

As a result, overweight and obesity cases have increased and, of course,  the number of patients with chronic diseases that reduce quality of life has increased.

Why is it important to maintain a balanced diet for a healthy body? What must be taken into account to adopt a good diet? We’ll talk about that below.

What is a balanced diet plan?

woman eating salad

A balanced diet plan is one that, to some extent, provides all the essential nutrients required by the body to function optimally.

It is made up of varied and high quality foods, which  help to raise the energy level  to improve physical and mental performance in each of the daily activities. A balanced diet should:

  • Take into account the type of food, but also the portions, the times they are consumed and the way they are prepared.
  • Meet the needs of the body, considering possible diseases, body weight and stage of life.
  • Do not exclude nutritional groups, but moderate certain foods that can be harmful if consumed excessively.

Why is it important to maintain a balanced diet to take care of the body?

“You are what you eat” … we’ve heard that phrase on hundreds of occasions. Although many have decided to despise it, in reality it is quite correct.

Foods are those that contain the nutrients that help start the whole body’s functions. For this reason, the healthier, the greater the feeling of well-being.

A healthy diet, which does not exceed the recommended number of calories,  helps maintain a healthy weight and strengthens defenses to prevent disease.

At the same time, it intervenes in other vital processes that influence different aspects of physical, mental and emotional health.

What are the keys to maintaining a balanced diet?

Light and healthy meal

In order for the diet to be balanced,  all excesses must be avoided.  It’s not about eating in large quantities, nor about reducing your total caloric intake as much as possible.

eat a variety

Varying the foods in the diet  is crucial to providing the body with all the nutrients it  needs to function properly.

Although it is recommended to moderate the consumption of sources of fat and sugar, they should not be completely eliminated from the eating plan.

Be sure to eat:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Lean meats
  • whole grains
  • Vegetable oils (olive, canola or sunflower)
  • Oilseeds and seeds
  • Fishes and sea food

Control portion sizes

Until a few years ago, it was thought to be okay to consume three healthy main dishes. Although today the habit remains in many people, it is  recommended to divide the servings between four or five meals a day.

  • The small portions ingested throughout the day control the feeling of anxiety about eating and positively influence the activity of the metabolism.

eat slowly

balanced diet

The body needs some time to send the satisfaction signals to the brain.

Therefore, when eating, it  is recommended to do it slowly, chewing food well.

drink plenty of fluids

One of the biggest mistakes people make in their diet is not getting enough fluids.

We cannot forget that water participates in all vital processes in the body. Therefore,  to have a healthy body, it is essential to drink it every day  .

  • Instead of drinking sugary or industrialized drinks, the ideal is to consume 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Water can be replaced by medicinal infusions or natural juices.

Do you want to feel full of energy? Want to improve your fitness? Now that you know how important food is, try to improve it day after day.

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