Make An Aloe Vera And Lavender Hand Sanitizer

The aloe vera and lavender sanitizer is a very effective natural option for maintaining continuous hand hygiene when there is no water nearby.
Make an aloe vera and lavender hand sanitizer

The use of hand sanitizers to fight pathogenic germs is becoming more and more frequent. However, most of them contain a lot of alcohol, which dries out your hands, as well as other chemicals. For this reason, we recommend making our own aloe vera and lavender sanitizer.

In this article we share a simple recipe for making it at home. Both aloe vera and lavender are medicinal ingredients that, in addition to preventing infections, also provide other skin health properties.

aloe vera

Aloe vera, or aloe vera, is a medicinal plant that we should always have within reach, thanks to its multiple properties to treat different problems. In fact, it is very beneficial in the internal treatment of some disorders, and it is also an effective remedy to apply to the skin.

The advantages of this plant are summarized in its healing, calming, moisturizing, antioxidant and regenerative virtues. Thus, it is very effective in the treatment of wounds, burns, eczema, stings, wrinkles, acne, etc.

To make this natural sanitizer, aloe vera is the best main ingredient, thanks to its lubricating and refreshing texture, without being greasy. Also, it combines very well with any ingredient. In this sense, aloe vera fights infections by viruses and fungi, thanks to its antiseptic power.  

the lavender

Aloe vera and lavender hand sanitizer

Lavender is a medicinal and aromatic plant very popular in home and natural cosmetics, thanks to its therapeutic properties and its delicious and relaxing aroma. From its characteristic violet flower an essential oil is extracted, which is essential in most natural treatments. It is also used in many hygiene and cleaning products.

Lavender essential oil can be used externally, combined with other ingredients, as well as alone. Its main virtue is to prevent and fight skin infections.

However, it is also a great relaxant, ideal for cases of nervousness and stress. At the same time, it revitalizes the skin, facilitates the healing of wounds and injuries, and soothes inflammation and pain.

Aloe vera and lavender sanitizer


To make this aloe vera and lavender sanitizer we will have to use the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup of aloe vera gel (aloe) (250 ml)
  • 30 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil (coconut, olive oil or almond) (45 ml)

Important information

We can buy aloe vera gel, in which case we recommend that it has at least 95% of this ingredient. In case we extract the gelatine from the plant, we must keep in mind that we will have to keep it in the refrigerator. We can also make half the amount if we are not going to use it daily.

Vegetable oil is not essential as the main ingredients in this lotion are aloe vera gel and lavender. However, if we add an oil, we also get a nourishing cream, in order to keep our hands hydrated and clean at the same time.


Preparation of aloe vera and lavender hand sanitizer
  • If we are going to use the aloe vera gel extracted from the plant, we will have to peel the leaf and eliminate the yellow sap, which separates it from the gelatin. This liquid is very strong and can be irritating, so let’s wash the gel well. Then we’ll beat it and strain it.
  • Soon after, mix the aloe vera gel with the lavender essential oil, and coconut oil. Emulsify well so that components are integrated.
  • Finally, store in a tightly closed bottle. If aloe vera is natural, we’ll keep it in the fridge.

How to use it?

  • We can use this aloe vera and lavender sanitizer whenever we want to have clean hands. For example, when we get home, after petting our pets, before playing with small children, etc.
  • We can also use this product to clean some delicate surfaces.
  • So too, thanks to the relaxing properties of lavender, this lotion is also relaxing. Therefore, it is a good option for a massage before bed, and also for children.
  • At the same time, and thanks also to the anti-inflammatory power of aloe vera gel, it is very suitable to be applied after a sting or burn.


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