Natural Acne Treatments

Do you suffer from acne? Discover various homemade treatments!
Natural Treatments for Acne

First, consider that acne can be caused by many factors, one of which is the hereditary factor, which means that if your parents suffered from acne, it is almost certain that you or your siblings also have a tendency to have the problem.

On the other hand,  the hormonal changes can also influence the appearance of acne. Although in certain cases, food can also play an important role in the picture.

Therefore, there is no single treatment to eliminate or improve the situation in all people, each case has to be treated individually, as it is necessary to know the possible cause of the problem so that it is possible to treat it from its origin.

A general recommendation for all people who have problems with acne is to be very careful with the foods you consume , as the health and beauty of your skin depend a lot on the quality of these foods.

Therefore, many of the problems with acne depend solely on food. Therefore, it is almost certain that with a healthy diet and some natural skin treatments, it will be possible to get rid of acne very quickly.

Recommended foods for those with acne

  • It is important to consume foods rich in vitamin A, which can be found in carrots, seaweed and, in general, all orange fruits and vegetables.
  • Likewise, it’s important to consume vitamin C, which can be found in citrus, broccoli, kale and seaweed.
  • You should consume milk of vegetable origin, as is the case with soy, rice, almond, among others.
  • Take aloe combined with any juice.
  • Replace the sugar with honey or molasses as much as possible.
  • Prefer, whenever possible, all whole grains.
  • Eat salads with plenty of raw vegetables, as well as cucumbers, papayas, blueberries, grapes and avocado.
  • The consumption of the following foods is not recommended:
  • Refined sugars and white flours.
  • Milk, cheese and other by-products.
  • Sausages, fried, processed foods and, in addition, try to eat little meat.

One way to cleanse the organism and therefore improve the quality of the skin is to consume the celery infusion. Have a cup on an empty stomach and another before bedtime.

Take every day for two weeks. The celery is one of the most recommended herbs to clean the body and help fight skin problems caused by accumulation of toxic residues in the liver and blood.

Topical remedies (for use on the skin)

Another natural way to fight acne is through the application of some masks; among which we highlight the oat.

Oatmeal is a natural ingredient that, due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties, has the ability to help fight acne problems in a truly effective way.

In addition to being a completely natural product, it does not cause any damage to the skin, on the contrary, it nourishes leaving it soft and soft.

Oat-based acne mask

oat for acne


  • Two tablespoons of ground oats.
  • One tablespoon of powdered milk.
  • Depending on your skin type, choose the third ingredient among yogurt, sour cream or olive oil.
  • If your skin is dry, the final ingredient should be olive oil or heavy cream.
  • If it’s a greasy skin, choose yogurt.

Method of preparation

  • First, mix the ingredients together until you get a smooth paste.
  • Apply to face, including neck, and massage gently.
  • Leave on for twenty minutes.
  • If you have time and possibility, stay lying down while the mask works.
  • Then rinse with plenty of warm water.
  • Right after application it will be possible to notice the difference in skin smoothness.
  • This mask can be used three times a week, so you can see how the dark spots disappear from the face.

This mask can be applied in combination with the infusion of celery and, in addition, dietary recommendations must be followed.

This way, the results are much more effective and faster. In a short time, you will have the opportunity to enjoy completely healthy, smooth and acne-free skin.

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