Natural Hair Repair Treatments

In addition to applying these masks to revitalize your hair, it is very important to nourish it from the inside out through healthy eating. It is also not good to abuse dyes, dryers and flat irons.

When the hair is deeply damaged it is possible to identify symptoms such as dryness, brittleness, opacity and, worse still, open and brittle ends. Many can be the causes of this deterioration, from excessive use of dryers and boards, to poor hydration or long hours of exposure to the sun.

In general, damaged hair becomes dull and lifeless, and even though it is difficult to repair damaged hair, it is not impossible to do so.

Sometimes, when the proper treatments are used, the hair regains strength, vitality and especially its shine. Below, we will present some treatments to restore hair. Enjoy!

Aloe and beer mask to repair hair

If your hair is dehydrated, greasy, dull and badly damaged, this natural remedy will help you restore it a lot.


  • half a glass of beer
  • two aloe leaves
  • Olive oil


  • Simply mix the aloe pulp with half a glass of beer and a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Once you get a uniform paste, apply it to the hair, taking it from the roots to the ends and massaging into the scalp.
  • Finally, let the product work for at least thirty minutes on the hair.

avocado mask

natural treatment to repair hair

This great home remedy is ideal for women who suffer from frizzy hair, split ends and brittle hair.

In short, avocado’s many vitamins make it an excellent natural ingredient for nourishing and repairing damaged hair.


  • Mature banana
  • Wheat germ oil
  • Avocado
  • Preparation

preparation and use

  • First, mash the avocado pulp together with the banana.
  • Then add a tablespoon of wheat germ.
  • Once the mixture is ready, apply it to the hair, letting it soak for an hour.

Mayonnaise-based mask

This mask is perfect for restoring shine, strengthening, and restoring the hair’s natural moisture. To use it, simply apply mayonnaise to the entire hair when it is damp and let it work for thirty minutes. Finally, rinse with warm water and wash as usual.

Almond oil

hair repair mask

Due to its powerful natural moisturizers, it is very effective in repairing damaged hair, strengthening it, helping to fight dryness, preventing its fall and nourishing it from root to tip.

To use it, just apply it directly to your hair or mix it first with a little honey.

Hair rinse with apple cider vinegar

This is a great option for hair repair, as apple cider vinegar helps balance the pH, adds shine and helps eliminate dandruff. Just dilute the vinegar in water and apply it all over your hair.

Cocoa butter

Thanks to its high moisturizing properties, it is ideal to use it on hair when the strands are damaged. In this sense, just heat ½ cup of cocoa butter in the microwave and then grease it on the hair, applying a lot to the ends.

Then let it act for ten minutes. Finally, just rinse and wash with the shampoo of your choice.

argan oil

It is an excellent natural remedy for damaged hair, and will give incredible results. As it is a powerful moisturizer, it can repair hair quickly. Add it to your products or apply it directly to your hair.

Rosemary hair shampoo

Rosemary hair shampoo

Rosemary is ideal for lifeless hair, helping to combat hair loss. To use it, just mix 20 ml of neutral shampoo with 5 drops of rosemary oil and an egg yolk, then beat until you get a creamy paste.

It is recommended to prepare the product each time you use it, that is, never prepare and store it.

Remember if

These are some of the most effective treatments for restoring or restoring hair. In addition, it is possible to implement natural massages that will give life and shine to the hair, as well as fluidity and essential components for health.

Remember that keeping hair healthy, shiny, silky and dandruff-free is not an easy task, for this it is necessary to take these precautions and eat healthy, especially, including in the diet foods rich in vitamins A and B, calcium, silica, iron, proteins and fatty acids.

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