Natural Remedies For Swollen Eyelids

Because swollen eyelids can be a sign of a major condition, it’s important to adjust your diet. Also, you can put cucumber slices over the eyes to decongest them.

Swollen eyelids don’t just affect aesthetics. After all, this problem is a reflection that the kidneys and liver are experiencing an overload problem.

Many people wake up like this, while others have normally swollen eyelids, which causes them to look sick and tired.

In this article, we will talk about some ideal natural remedies to treat swollen eyelids. In addition, we’ll also talk about some recommendations to help balance the work of the kidneys and liver. Check out.

Overworked kidneys

With poor diet, excessive fat and fried foods, the kidneys become overloaded and the body cannot eliminate excess fluid from the body. This ends up causing retention in different regions, such as the legs, face or eyelids, for example.

If you ever get up with swollen eyelids, it is recommended that you consume only onion broth in the morning, until the body is able to eliminate excess fluid.

In order to prepare this broth, boil two onions in 1.5 liters of water for thirty minutes and let it rest for ten minutes.

Although it is preferable not to add salt, one option is to use a few drops of seawater, which, despite having a salty taste, will help to regulate the body’s fluids thanks to the minerals it contains.

Namely, sea water can be purchased in natural and diet products stores and even in some supermarkets.

Another option to add to the broth is celery. If the broth does not like it, an infusion of horsetail will have the same effects, as the plant has a very potent diuretic function.

Onion broth to improve swollen eyelids

Overworked liver

In some cases, it is the liver that is overworked. And since all our organs are related to each other, this ends up causing the kidneys to work harder, and therefore the eyelids also end up swelling.

Therefore, it is recommended that you regularly engage in clearing your liver. Below, we will suggest a menu for a liver cleansing journey that you can do once a week, a month or when you feel the need:

  • On an empty stomach: a glass of warm water, the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil;
  • Breakfast: fruit smoothie with vegetable drink, dried fruit, brewer’s yeast;
  • Mid-morning: milk thistle and dandelion infusion optionally sweetened with stevia;
  • Lunch: green salad with avocado, brown rice, lentils;
  • Mid-afternoon: Milk thistle and dandelion infusion, optionally sweetened with stevia. Baked apple with cinnamon and honey;
  • Dinner: cream of vegetables with oats;

However, it is important to have an early dinner, as late dinner contributes to overloading the liver.

Foods that helped to deflate the eyelids

Cucumber slices on the eyelids

Cucumber, as consumed as it is applied, is a great diuretic, so it is ideal for fluid retention.

Thus, in addition to consuming the cucumber in a salad or as a juice, it is recommended to lie down for thirty minutes with two cucumber slices on the eyelids. After fifteen or twenty minutes, remove the slices and then wash your face with very cold water.

Cucumber on the swollen eyelids

raw potato

According to popular wisdom, raw potatoes are a great anti-inflammatory.  So, in the absence of cucumbers, opt for two slices of raw potato with your eyes closed for twenty minutes.

Chamomile tea bags

Another remedy to put on top of the eyelids for a while is chamomile. In this way, it also helps to decongest your eyes when they are red and irritated.

For this, use the used chamomile tea bags. Place them in the freezer and then close your eyes when they are very cold. Also, the pleasant feeling will help you relax at the end of the day.

Drink a lot of water

Let’s not forget that the best way to eliminate fluids and help your kidneys is to drink water.

We also need to remember that it is essential that the water is not cold and that it is drunk without accompanying meals, as this will not have the desired effect and will end up being harmful.

If it’s hard to drink water, you  can add a little lemon juice and stevia so the water will turn into a much tastier sort of “lemonade”.

Images offered by Lablascovegmenu, Blue moon in her eyes, Zeetz Jones

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