Natural Techniques To Eliminate Fluff Hair

Wire hair removal is very effective and can last up to 6 weeks, but it requires a little experience.
Natural techniques to eliminate fluff hair

Did you know that there are very natural ways to get rid of fluff hair?

With them, it is possible to save on expenses with conventional hair removal, as well as reduce irritation and other side effects.

In addition, the following techniques cause the hair to become weaker and weaker instead of growing stronger.

Discover how to shave fluff hair more naturally, using sugar, lemon or simply a silk or cotton thread.

Furthermore, we will show you how to progressively weaken the hair with the help of turmeric.

Natural techniques to eliminate fluff hair

sugar and lemon

This method of hair removal has been used since antiquity, in ancient Egypt and other eastern countries. To make it, you’ll just need sugar and lemon.

The method is similar to wax, but it is less painful, more economical and more natural.

Currently, in some countries the sugar paste is already sold ready-made. However, it is very easy and convenient to learn how to prepare it at home.

We will need:

  • 2 cups of sugar
  • Juice of 1 yellow lemon
  • A little water if lemon juice is not enough


  • Place the juice of one lemon and the two cups of sugar in a medium saucepan. The juice should completely cover the sugar. If it doesn’t, add some water to cover.
  • Heat this mixture over medium/high heat, stirring with a wooden spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved. If we have a kitchen thermometer, we can check that the mixture reaches 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • When it starts to boil, reduce the heat considerably and wait until a thick, sticky, but malleable, golden-colored paste forms, like honey.
  • If it has a dark color, it may have burned. In that case, you must do it again. Never let it boil over high heat for more than one minute.
  • Finally, remove from heat and let it cool.

This sugar wax must be applied in the same way as conventional wax.

Spread the wax well so that it is a thin layer. Then, without waiting too long, pull in the opposite direction of the hair, that is, in the opposite direction to the hair’s birth.

So that the sugar wax doesn’t stick too much to the skin, we can sprinkle a little talcum powder on the area to be shaved, always remembering to clean and dry the area well beforehand.

When finished, apply a little moisturizing cream or aloe gel to soften the effects on the skin. If remnants of wax stick, wash with warm water.

fluff hair

Silk or cotton thread

One surprising and natural, and possibly the most economical, method of getting rid of fluff hair is to simply use a string.

This technique, known as “threading” , was used in ancient times in India or Egypt. In fact it is still used by women today.

In the beginning, this method requires a little skill. For the first time, the ideal is to look for a professional to explain the procedure to us. When we learn, we will do it very quickly and without pain.

To apply this method we will use a silk or cotton thread, which will be used as a loop that holds the follicles from the root in a way that is not aggressive to the skin.

To do it:

  • Cut a long piece of string, the size of your forearm, and make a circle tying the ends together.
  • Then insert the index and middle fingers of both hands into the circle and stretch, forming a rectangle. Then do five turns with your right fist.
  • Your rectangle will turn into a lying figure eight. This is the shape that the line must be in your hands to perform this method.
  • And it’s ready! Now, you just need to practice the movement, alternatively opening and closing the fingers of your hands, to be able to shave.
  • Tip one: start practicing on your legs. When you get used to the method, try shaving your fluff hair.

This type of hair removal has the great advantage that the hair takes up to six weeks to grow back.

In addition, it will progressively weaken the hair, an effect contrary to conventional hair removal. 

fluff hair

turmeric masks

Turmeric face mask or body mask is ideal after waxing, as this spice has great properties for the skin and helps to progressively weaken the hair.

Thus, it will be a perfect complement to our treatment.

Simply mix the turmeric powder with water until you get an oily paste that doesn’t drip. Then apply the mask to the skin and let it act for twenty minutes.

fluff hair

Images provided by digipam, Frabisa and chollingsworth3

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