Perfect Smile, Health Too

Researches prove an alarming fact: only 40% of Brazilians regularly buy dental floss. Superfluous? Of course not.
Perfect smile, health too

Poor oral hygiene causes many harms to health, harm that you will now learn about and, if you don’t include it yet, will include dental floss in the next pharmacy shopping list.

Tooth loss, a serious problem for your smile

Toothbrush does not clean the space between teeth. Not clean at all. Believe. The dirt between the teeth makes your mouth red and sensitive, with this you will have an inflation in the gums (gingivitis) that can evolve into an inflation of the periodontium (tissue supporting the tooth). Periodontal inflation causes tooth loss.


Gum inflation reaches the brain

An inflamed gum affects neurons in the brain, causing cell death and memory loss.

 gum infections

the heart also suffers

The microbes that attack the gums go into the bloodstream, travel to the heart, and can cause a loss of heartbeat, and frankly speaking, you can die from severe periodontitis.

In the blood test an answer

The body reacts poorly to periodontitis. Dirt on teeth influences levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and white blood cell count. If your mouth is dirty, your whole organism suffers from it. With all these losses, it is much cheaper to buy dental floss.

The floss must be 40 centimeters

Cut the floss at least 40 centimeters in size. Pass between the teeth until you reach the gums.

dental floss

Floss like a broom

Flossing should sweep the entire tooth to the gums, like a mouth broom, the floss needs to remove all the dirt from the tooth. Perform the correct procedure every day.

Why 40 centimeters?

Now you will understand. See, when flossing the next tooth, you must use the clean part of the floss, if you don’t do this, reuse the piece of floss you already used to clean the previous tooth, it will take the dirt already removed from a tooth for another tooth. Cleaning won’t do any good, you’re just transferring dirt from one tooth to another. So don’t skimp on wire size. Your smile thanks you.

There are three types of floss

The multifilament dental floss has several strings, they open with friction and form a net to extract bacteria. The dental floss composed of monofilaments is indicated for those who have a lot of space between their teeth, because the monofilament does not break easily. There is also dental tape, which is wider, but not very suitable, due to the difficulty of using it.

Image provided by dani.benevides

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